• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Maybe, actually, my first punk rock show at 14. I still had trouble but pretty sure getting into that scene diverted me from severe alienation in school, and having older people as friends cushioned the blow when my dad died. I think without that I wouldn’t have lived this long.

    But as an adult? Having kids for sure. Because I needed more money, went back to school, got a real job, and because my first pregnancy did so much more to heal my lingering anorexia than anything else - feeling like my body was real, and useful, and beautiful, I dunno how to explain it (and I’m sure this could go in the opposite direction for some) but for me it was quite healing. That set me on a different path and again, without them I probably wouldn’t have lived this long.

    The last pivot point in my life was my breakup with my ex, that was a fast track to prosperity in a two income household with a guy who loves me for me. I wholeheartedly hope this trajectory holds.

    So three inflection points I see.

  • I have a large family, always wanted kids, but seriously do not understand people who need everyone else to do the same thing they do. Like, what the actual fuck? If someone doesn’t want kids how is that my business? It’s like they don’t have confidence in themselves and need the whole world to agree with them. Just live your life, it doesn’t matter what everyone else is doing.

    That picture doesn’t make sense though, unless she had 3 sets of twins some of those kids would be older, and as the billboards here used to say “two years apart is baby smart”, it is easier on your body if you give yourself time to recover. Three sets of twins back to back, your womb would prolapse.

  • As others have explained, waking up at the wrong point in a sleep cycle feels crappy. But also as the night turns to morning, your sleep cycles change and sleep becomes lighter - waking up is a process, not a moment. So get up when you wake up naturally and you should be good, but also keeping to a schedule helps, so if you are naturally waking up at 7am or whatever, going past that time can interfere with, well, falling awake.

    I get you though - so often I feel like sleep is so close by I just want to go back.

    My husband handles this with coffee, he gets up, makes coffee, drinks it in bed (while I sleep through all this) and then either feels awake, or, if he does go back to sleep the caffeine helps him wake back up, like a coffee nap. I can’t do that, prefer to wake up then coffee a few hours later, but it works for him.

  • You are suffering exhaustion as a symptom of your depression? That is what this post sounds like.

    Not sure we can help with that.

    When I have exhaustion from overwork and cannot immediately adjust my circumstances, giving up (acceptance of what is going on) and more exercise, even if it means less sleep time available, has been the most helpful but it’s a short term strategy. The exercise improves my sleep and raises my spirits.

    Then eventually the stress ends and I get a migraine :( and then back to my normal.

    But I have never suffered depression.

  • I left when he tried to choke me in bed (woke me up, not sex play), then realized what he was doing and stopped and freaked out.

    When we first left my older kids said they wouldn’t even go to his funeral if he died. They have since reconciled but certainly are not close - they and I appreciate that he’s trying now, but I have to say that when I left and my life got so much better while his got so much worse I did feel a sort of happiness about it. A breakup is never one sided, I did also do and say things I regret, but time kinda proved he was the problem.

    I guess everyone has a crazy ex but I honestly did not see that coming, we had over 15 good years before he lost it. And I absolutely blame the right wing fascist conversion machine.

  • Women do sometimes train rings just for strength, and the single bar for fun, but no, this really is one of those events where simply having a male body gives a ridiculous advantage, it’s designed to show off what a top level male-bodied body can do with training.

    Floor exercise, and vault, are the overlap events and the competitors do a lot of the same skills, but the men do lead the way here on tricks - it’s funny though. The first double backflip, in my lifetime it went from being considered impossible to being something coaches train 8-9 year old girls to do! So I don’t know how much of the limitation is physical but I do know that the center of balance in a super fit woman is different from the center of balance in a super fit man, and that rings and Pommel horse are designed to exploit this difference.