Eskating cyclist, gamer and enjoyer of anime. Probably an artist. Also I code sometimes, pretty much just to mod titanfall 2 tho.

Introverted, yet I enjoy discussion to a fault.

  • 26 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • This is a very, very bad idea.

    SSDs are permanent flash storage, yes, but that doesn’t mean you can leave them unpowered for extended periods of time.

    Without a refresh, electrons can and do leak out of the charge traps that store the ones and zeroes. Depending on the exact NAND used, the data could start going corrupt within a year or so.

    HDDs suffer the same problem, though less so. They can go several years, possibly a decade, but you’d still be risking the data on the drive but letting it sit unpowered for an extended time.

    For the “cold storage” approach you should really be using something that’s designed to retain data in such conditions, like optical media, or tape drives.

  • !

    It’s not for everyone, it being a third instead of first person shooter with the complexity of a MOBA.

    But goddamn I am obsessed.

    And as an older, more chilled out gamer, the toxicity doesn’t get to me the way it used to when I played Dota after school every day.

    No matter how well or badly a match is going, I’m managing to have fun regardless. I just don’t assign the emotional stakes to being the best player in a lobby, or to the matchmaking landing me on a winning team.

    At the same time there is an absolute crap-ton of mechanics I enjoy, and I’m up to matchmaking with 9 characters selected. How is every damn aspect of every part of this game this fun?!

  • I watch Berm Peak (formerly seths bike hacks) and he recently did a video on a large expensive cargo bike intended for commuting with two kids.

    He commented on the high price and safety features, and the large amount of time and resources spent on design to make it safe for anyone you might run into (as it’s large, unwieldy, and heavy as hell compared to normal bikes) and he in passing comments “but no-one wants to spend on keeping anyone else safe” and my jaw just dropped.

    Everyone. Everyone wants to spend on that. Everyone who isn’t a goddamn psychopath who ignores the fact that you or someone you care about is just as likely to be on either end of such an accident.

    Is that really just the default way to think in the states? I’ll spend on my survival, but no-one elses?