For Harris supporters who oppose 3rd parties: 2 questions.

(1) How will you get the US to stop funding Israeli genocide?;


(2), what are the chances of your proposal(s) succeeding before, say, 2075?

  • DMCMNFIBFFF@lemmy.worldOP
    4 months ago

    Trump lies a lot, including about the bad things he says he’s going to do.

    Perhaps if the leader of Hamas, with the leader of Qatar, invited Trump to a great military parade in Qatar in his honor, with 1000s of American flags waving, a band playing Hail to the Chief near the red carpet rolled to the jet plane, Palestinian girls singing God Bless America to him, some Palestinian girl presenting him a huge bouquet of flowers, and some Palestinian doing a flawless and great rendition of Ave Maria, he might attend, and with it it might have greater consequences in the Middle East than Harris impotently wagging her finger at Netanyahu.

      4 months ago

      it might have greater consequences in the Middle East than Harris impotently wagging her finger at Netanyahu.

      Or, you know, the fact that Trump would tell Israel to rev up the genocide would absolutely “have greater consequences in the Middle East than Harris impotently wagging her finger at Netanyahu.”

      There is objectively no way that a Harris presidency would be worse for the Middle East than trump. Any suggestions otherwise are deluded and not based on reality.

      It amazes me some of the arguments that come from the supposed anti-genocide crowd.

      • DMCMNFIBFFF@lemmy.worldOP
        4 months ago

        I can almost hear Trump now:

        “Those children, those sweet Palestinian children, when they sang ‘God Bless America,’ oh my God, it was such a sweet version, and then that girl, what was her name? FAT-eh-mah, Fa-TEEM-mah, I don’t know, I think it was FAT-eh-imah, but it doesn’t matter, when she brought me those flowers and told me, 'Mister President, you are the greatest leader America ever had, the greatest leader in the world, could you stop the Zionists—whoever ‘Zionists’ are I don’t know what a ‘Zionist’ is, I think it’s some alien race in Star Trek—‘from bombing my family, I know you can, because you are very powerful man, you are the most powerful man in the world, you can do anything,’ I was so touch, so touched, so I phoned Bibi, and I said, ‘Bibi, could you stop the bombing for a few days’, and he said he would, but you know people, he didn’t, so I cut his funding. I cut his funding, and he was mad, or maybe upset, not mad, but upset, because Bibi and I are such friends, I never had a friend as close as Bibi, but when you have friends, sometimes you have to be strong, so I said, ‘Bibi, i’m going to cut you off for a while, because that sweet Palestinian girl, that girl who gave me flowers, said that some in her family were accidentally killed. I’m not blaming those soldiers, but sometimes, you have to think before you do stuff, and I think cutting them off for a while would help.’ He was mad, oh yes, Bibi was very mad at me, he even said some angry words, foul words, he was so loud, I was worried he was going to get a heart attack or something, I never heard anyone be so mad, but sometimes you have to do things.”