i’m looking for a place/means/medium for texts that i write. content is essays on topics that i find worthy writing about with hints towars philosophy (i guess).

twenty years ago the right answer to my question would have been a (we-)blog - what’s the current day equivalent for such a venture?

optimally, a solution would neither be based on lock-ins, data collection/aggregation or other shady business and would be freely (e.g. in a web browser, no login/registration required) and easily accessible.

  • Churbleyimyam@lemm.ee
    26 days ago

    Writefreely is a fantastic option. Your posts and profile integrate perfectly with the Fediverse right out of the box, it’s nice to look at and really nice to use. It’s also FOSS. RSS is supported by default. If you want to tinker with it you can add custom CSS and it’s self-hostable. I host my own instance and it’s by far the simplest & easiest federated software I’ve run. An absolute peach - highly recommend!

    • rsuri@lemmy.world
      24 days ago

      I tried to create a blog on substack once, I got literally zero views across a few posts. I feel like the only blogs there that get recommended are by people who are already semi-famous, suggesting the usual problem of recommendation algorithms killing entry for new creators. It also strongly encourages a paid model, you also usually have to subscribe to comment on others’ posts which makes it hard to get your blog out there. I’d say it’s more a publishing platform for people who are already well known than for ordinary people.

  • Nemo Wuming@lemmy.world
    26 days ago

    Modern equivalent to blogs would probably be vlogs (videos on tiktok or other platforms like that)

    Blogs are still a thing, check out WordPress.org

    Another option is publishing on a place like medium.com

    None of the above are optimal regarding your concerns about data collection, etc.

    To address that, you could just set up your own personal website, if you don’t mind learning how to do it

      • Nemo Wuming@lemmy.world
        26 days ago

        Regarding the concerns you listed, it’s the option that gives you the most control over content and access to it.

        All the others are a trade off in exchange for them promoting you.