I’m betting this is a 15-pack being sold at an 18-pack price while being marketed as a 12-pack with bonus cans.
So where did the 3 cans come from?
What’s even more ridiculous is that this is actually shrinkflation in the guise of a good deal. These are replacing 18 packs, not 12 packs.
Huh, I’ve never seen an 18-pack. We have a 12-pack and a 24-pack here.
Where is “here”? In the USA there are 6 packs, 12 packs, 18 packs, and cases (24 packs).
I always thought the 18 was a shrunken 24. I only remember 12, 6, and 24. Is 18 a thing? Is it a cardboard box?
That but for beer in glass bottles
Yeah, it’s a cardboard box. It looks identical to the 24 can case, but there are 6 less in the box. They’re popular at gas stations and convenience stores. They were pretty much a staple back in college.
Edit: if you’re in the USA, then I wonder if it’s a regional thing limited to the West Coast.
It’s not I’m from the Midwest and regularly see 18 packs in gas station/convenience stores
18 packs do exist, they just aren’t nearly as common to find.
I always seem to run into them in podunk gas stations that violate “not for individual resale” labeling for some reason though, lol.
For a while coke products came in 20 packs
A 15 pack is 1/15 of a 15 pack per can, and a 12 pack is 1/12 of a 12 pack per can, so…
1/12 * 15/1 = 15/12
15/12 - (12 * 1/12) = 3/12
3/12 * 12/1 = 3 more cans
Yeah, the math checks out.
But also, one can of a 15 pack is 1/15 of a pack, and one can of a 12 pack is 1/12 of a pack, so…
(15 * 1/15) - (12 * 1/12) = 0
Clearly both packs have the same number of packs per pack.
And the cans in the 15 pack are less percentage of a pack than the cans of a 12 pack, and are therefore worth less, which makes them worthless.
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Not McDonald’s, A&W had the 1/3 pounder.
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Eh, I could see them being like “25% more sounds ridiculous. It’s 3 cans.”
If anything, I would think they’d want to say 25% more to make it seem like a lot.
And someone had to put an arrow, furthering the sentiment
This ^
I’ve found that the people crying and bemoaning about how stupid everyone else is aren’t exactly the sharpest knives in humanity’s collective drawer themselves, just grasping at straws for a reason to feel superior.
15 = 12 + 3
But also
15 = 18 - 3
numbers are reversible like that
18 = 81
it’s the same but in Arabic. you’re welcome
It reminds me of the gansters in that Mr Show sketch lol
“24 is the highest number! I mean, where are you gonna go from there???”
“…Humans, I mean.”
“It’s in your nature to be dumb.”
“Yeah. Major drag, huh?”
What calculator did you use? And is it’s version up to date? We are gonna need you to flash the firmware first to latest.
It’s the diabetes more than the math.
Am I missing something? I don’t understand the point that is trying to be conveyed (if there is one).
The idiocy of having to point out that 15 is 12 + 3, because 'mericans r dum.
Brains might autofill “1. …k” as “12 pack” even when it’s “15 pack” - the extra callout helping to draw attention to the reason for the higher price (additional cans).
My absolute favorite was a Suave shampoo commercial that said, “It’s less expensive than more expensive brands.”