Hey there I am new in this community I was wondering if any of you gentleman know any website for downloading Linux programs such as Autodesk Maya Thanks.
Hey there I am new in this community I was wondering if any of you gentleman know any website for downloading Linux programs such as Autodesk Maya Thanks.
CAD and other professional engineering software typically only runs well on Windows.
There’s exceptions like the Linux-native Blender but especially Autodesk was a bad experience (a few years ago).
That’s just a guess from my side: If you want to try Autodesk use the Windows version. Bottles makes installing wine/proton and it’s components easier. You’ll likely need DXVK for good graphics performance.
Thanks well I do have Windows installed but I just use it for gaming, besides that performance is better on Linux than Windows because there is not a lot of crap and blootware running in the background.