I still enjoyed the first game but wasn’t one of the lead devs on KCD a capital G Gamer? I remember some… interesting tweets from him. Was he booted or did he change his ways?
Couldn’t have happened to nicer people. Reap what you sow.
If you’ve ever had to deal with a Gamergate dogpiling campaign, you are probably high as a kite on schadenfreude right now. You are probably knocking back a huge mug of crocodile tears.
I completely forgot about the term SJW until this little dig into history.
Gamergate is russian psyops astroturfing.
Currently? Originally it was a hate mob 4chan created to target women in the game industry
Edit: oh nice, the article covers that
a febrile harassment campaign, originally sparked by somebody’s clownishly toxic grudge against their ex, who sometimes advertise themselves as being about “ethics in games journalism”
4chan is a well known stomping ground for kremlin propagandists.
Somehow had no idea about the director. Shame. I was considering buying the game on GOG, and from the sounds of it, it’s actually pretty good despite his involvement. Ah well.