It really broke my heart. I loved Reddit, I was on it on RiF one my phone when I didn’t use my computer. It was great for finding all sorts of new stuff and it was genuinely fun. I’d had a few accounts for like a decade or something, but when they killed the alternate programs I just left and never looked back.
I miss RIF, but it’s for the better. Lemmy moves too slow for me to doomscroll it forever, so I’ve started putting my phone down more.
I’ve started reading books again, even in public, when I’m waiting for someone or something. My mind is slowing down and getting more peaceful.
This is the way.
Yeah, i didn’t realize how much i relied in Reddit to keep me informed on sports. I barely know what’s going in with my favorite teams, let alone the leagues anymore. But i couldn’t use anything other than RiF to browse Reddit, so i was done as soon as they axed the third party apps.
This is me on many topics. I am so uninformed over the last year.
I love Lemmy, but I’m in a smaller bubble than I was before too. There are a lot less political opinions on here. People are outright hostile to anything that doesn’t fit in a narrow window, and though I mostly agree with what passes through that window, my idea of the world is off because of it. (Example, my wife uses Facebook. We both voted for Harris, but she was certain Trump would win. She was seeing what everyone was saying and I wasn’t. Imagine my surprise when she lost the election so terribly. My little bubble had me convinced he didn’t stand a chance.)
I try occasionally to open Reddit. I know that Lemmy hates stock traders, but Reddit is where you get the best info on that. I’m a stay at home dad who contributes entirely by trading so I need to look at what people are researching from time to time.
I just can’t stand the Reddit app. I can’t stand clicking on ads without realizing it because of how they blend it in.
I can’t stand the kind of greed that led to the decision that killed third party apps.
I miss it, but not bad enough to have a subpar experience on there. That, and I believe in a federated social media future. Tech companies are garbage.
I am so uninformed over the last year
Being uninformed is ok as long as you pair it with knowing you’re uninformed.
Our Stupid Monkey Branes aren’t designed to be filled with doom all day long, they’re designed to know a handful of people in our tribe. It’s not healthy the way we chase after trying to know everything about everything in order to satisfy ourselves that we’re informed.
You’re absolutely right. Thank you.
If you’re trading stocks based off Reddit info you should really know WTF you are doing and have additional sources of info to back up any decisions you are making because you are playing a very dangerous game. Unless you’ve already been investing for years and have a sizeable portfolio I would encourage you to reconsider the path you are on and build up some capital and knowledge before attempting any kind of active trading.
I don’t waste money I don’t have. I don’t follow anyone blindly.
I’m disciplined. If I’m not where I want to be, I wait. I wouldn’t risk everything I have.
I appreciate your concern, but if I lost every penny I have invested right here, right now, it would only hurt my feelings. I’ve already pulled out 10x what I’ve invested and I don’t get sad over big misses. I could have scooped up 200 free dollars this morning, but I didn’t.
It’s small time. I’m poor, I have no debt, and I wouldn’t risk a penny more than I can handle. I never break my own rules, so I’m good.
Seriously. I appreciate you.
That’s good to hear, I hope you’re able to keep it up. I’m sure you’ve heard this before but just in case, if you haven’t you should really consider also running a long term buy and hold portfolio. Fund that Roth IRA every year if you can. It’s a whole lot easier than active trading so it really shouldn’t take up much time and when you’re an old person you will be glad you’ve got that pile stashed away.
I’ve already messed up at this point haha. I spent my whole life allowing myself to be exploited for a promise that never came. I mean, I guess it still could (not really, but in a sense I guess). I’ve been instructed to go get some cash when so and so dies, and though I’m sure it’s still there, new obstacles have entered the fold.
I don’t know. If I can make enough to live today and buy a few beers I’m good.
I’ve been an idiot all of my life.
I’m going to take your advice though. I promise. Gonna get on that tomorrow. I recently made enough to increase my investing amount by 60%, which would be amazing for someone with actual money haha. I’ll throw that extra 60% into an IRA.
I’ve only recently made the switch to Lemmy, and for what it’s worth, I’ve been using Apollo for Reddit the entire time. It’s fairly easy to set up if you check out r/sideloaded or r/apolloapp over on Reddit. Might make your money-job a bit less frustrating to work on :)
Heeeey! Thank you. I’ll look into that.
You can use rdx for reddit browsing without interacting.
I miss RiF sometimes :[
The writing was on the wall when reddit restricted buying awards in anything but the official app. For some reason, I even have a vivid recollection of where I was in the world when that went down.
Back in 2014 RIF was $2 one time purchase for a completely ad free experience. I knew that couldn’t last forever, but I enjoyed the 9 years I did have.
On the toilet?
Close! I was supposed to be working at the time.
I still have the app on my phone
Just in case
Right after S2 of Firefly
I never watched the last episode of season 1, I’m allowing myself the delusion that for me, it didn’t end
Me too. I click a reddit link, and the app opens to remind me
Oh man, I’m jealous. I uninstalled the app, but I’m pretty sure you can look up workarounds to make the app still work if you have it on your phone.
ReVanced has a project for it. It’s janky, but it works. For now.
I miss Apollo. Voyager is nearly as great and is open source so it’s not all bad. Still miss it though…
Yeah Voyager needs more polish. I have found Mlem to be more spiritual of the successor in terms of ui design.
Interesting. Just looked at Mlem for a minute and for some reason the Voyager UI agrees with me more.
The funny thing is Mlem offers higher contrast between different UI elements yet it is easier for me to differentiate between those elements in the lower contrast way that Voyager presents them.
Jerboa is similar enough in my head. Though, if I could time travel and get the 2023 experience then I might see that I’m misremembering.
I was hoping RiF’s dev would make an app for Lemmy. They did make one for Tildes though called three cheers for Tildes. I believe their username is talklittle.
Jerboa was real bad back then. Like, bad enough that I shelled out cash money to purchase Sync for Lemmy, which was another different old reddit front-end that now pivoted to Lemmy.
Overall though I’m now actually a big fan of Sync. It’s a good app. Does all that it needs to and not much more.
Same… Sync is my life now
Big RIP. Used to go on that site quite a lot back when it still had good clients
I’m lucky, Boost was my app of choice. Now I just use it for Lemmy instead.
Which is how I learned about Lemmy. I opened Boost one day and was like… Wait, something’s off. : )
apollo was so nice to use
I got great news for you!
Apollo exists for the fediverse!
Just look up „voyager“ app for iOS!
I currently just use the webapp (no difference to the app). To „install“ the webapp (iOS) just go to the website and create a shortcut on homescreen.
I love it and probably wouldn’t use lemmy without it!
Edit: I’m not affiliated
Edit2: source code on GitHub
Edit3: it should be available for Android too. Unintentionally made it seem like it’s iOS exclusive
FWIW the native app of Voyager definitely has more features than the PWA. Probably most notably haptics… PWA is a good options for those that want it though
oh wow, i had no idea! thanks for the info!
It not official, just heavily inspired by.
I have to ask, what’s up with those quotation marks?
Voyager because its a name of a thing and install because the Webapp is not really installed, it’s just a bookmark in safari that’s opened without the toolbars etc
I meant the quotation mark characters themselves. Is it a regional thing that I’m not familiar with as a dumb American? It’s just that I usually see them written like “this” instead of „this“.
I never noticed… I use English and German keyboard, and my iOS devie does both of them like „this“. Maybe it’s a setting
😭 Gone but not forgotten.
F for Respect, shall it forever stay
To keep each other company.
I still have it in the number one spot on the first page of my folder. It lives there forever.
Good news! You can now sideload it
For a lot of the OGs on Reddit it got worse after the whole AMA Victoria thing. That was really when Reddit went downhill. Before that Reddit was amazing with AMAs that kept you refreshing constantly to be live in the chat, and posts that were funny and discussion that felt a bit more meaningful.
Yes! That was when it was so blatent to any die-hard users.
We can look at a million things over the years and say this is when it went wrong. It’s all hindsight 20/20. The reality is that we’re here now, and, at least for me, I enjoy it here. 💜
what happened?
I’m pulling all of this from memory, so YMMV… Victoria was a paid person from Reddit who worked on the AMA subreddit only. Her job was to basically go around and get celebrities and other interesting people to do AMAs and then would help schedule them and coordinate the whole thing. In some cases even helping to type out answers. If I’m recalling correctly Reddit just got too corporate and decided to terminate her out of the blue. The community fought back, but nothing big ever changed or happened. After she went away AMA basically turned into a shitshow of no one actually doing anything. She was legitimately a powerful tool at Reddit but they just got rid of her.
Oh yeah, I remember that now.
hi every1 ive got new logo!!! *puts banana peel on head* my name is steve but u can call me t3h Sp3zZi of sn00!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!! thats why i want u to come here, 2 meet random ppl like me _… im 40½ years old (im not immature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 rd elon musk x posts w/ a pic of my ex-wifie (im over it tho deal w/it) its our favorite thing!!! bcuz shes SOOOO random!!! hes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!! lol…neways i hope 2 find alot of rubes here so give me lots of monies!!!
SNOOOOOOO!!!~ <— me bein random again _ hehe…toodles!!!love and waffles,
*~t3h Sp3zZi of sn00~*
This comment just gave me a little bit of PTSD
We are all forked !!
Reminds me of Boxxy for some reason.
The original meme has the person’s name as “katy”, and Boxxy’s real name is Catie, so whoever wrote the original might well have been parodying her.
Edit: After a bit more research, there’s the tiniest sliver of a chance it might have been based on her pre-Boxxy online activity, because it pre-dates her use of the name, but it’s probably nothing to do with her.
Maybe, but I’m pretty sure that copypasta was around long before boxxy.
So I checked a bit more and pre-Boxxy Catie and the copypasta both appeared online in 2006, so it’s probably not a parody of her specifically, just girls like the Boxxy character Catie created. Funny coincidence about the name though.
For me it’s not the app ecosystem. Reddit used to feel like it was a platform run by its community now its very company run and controlled.
Thankfully, Boost is just as nice for Lemmy as it was for Reddit.
And eternity is just as nice as Infinity :)
rif gang
Reddit made it unusable on mobile again.
I use Firefox + unlock, but naturally it’s just slower and less convenient than rif.
I use reddit a lot less now. Practically don’t use it on mobile as I noticed.
Apart from going there through a search engine I’ve never used Reddit again since they killed the API.
I use reddit for special interests. There are some subreddits which are unmatched sources in terms of expertise. Be it a game I am currently obsessed by or serious job related discussions about the newest embedded tech…
It’s sooo hard to get away from games. You’ve either got Discord which is a shit show, or reddit which is an ad riddled shit show, but at least the comment and discussions are relatively structured.
I miss Apollo. It was just so good.
I still use it to follow the war in Ukraine, but that’s it. It can burn once the Russians are defeated.
Oldreddit + Oldlander extension is way more convenient on mobile browser.
Now: RedditIsFucked
Represent. I do miss it sometimes, but it’s probably better that I don’t spend as much time online.
Relay for Reddit will always be my favorite. It had a nice tablet mode and the “swipe to do everything” interface was nice.
I have yet to find a decent replacement for it. Voyager is alright but I swear that it was designed to maximize unintentional button presses. It’s so easy to accidentally go to the community or the user’s profile when I just wanted to click on the post. And I can’t even count the number of times I accidentally collapsed a comment when I was trying to edit or upvote it instead. This is why the swiping interface was so nice. Made it almost impossible to unintentionally do the wrong action.
I miss Relay so much, but unfortunately the developer decided to play by Reddit’s rules and start charging people to use the app. So it’s never coming to Lemmy.
Oh God yes, I feel you on the Miss-clicks
Oh let’s look at the comments, downvote, ohh shit I need to, collapse, fuuuuck, uncollapse, inadvertently scrolls up now that it expanded, Hunt down the exact right one, swipe to upvote, miss, back to zero, sigh, carefully swipe over to upvote, tap for comments, end up in user’s profile… It’s not really an app that you can surf until you’ve had your coffee.
Have you tried Thunder? I’ve been using it since I finally got around to moving over here (admittedly not very long) and I’ve found that Thunder gets a lot right. It’s open source, ad-free, cross-platform, and nice to use. It doesn’t have quite as much polish as Relay but the design language is similar enough that it doesn’t feel like a huge departure.
I tried it a year ago; felt very much like an unfinished project. Too many missing features. Has it improved a lot since then?
I’ve only been on lemmy for like a week, so I have no point of comparison here. It doesn’t feel janky to me, but then I’m not a power user. It works well for what I like to do, which is view posts and comment. Images display well, I haven’t noticed any problems with video. I haven’t tried embedding images in comments yet, let’s try it with a photograph of the richest man in Indiana:
Give Thunder a second shot, or don’t. I’m not your boss, I’m just some drunk guy on the Internet.
I still have it on my phone n open it’s corpse all the time out of habit when looking for sync. I should uninstall it.
I have the client for animelab which hasn’t existed since they got absorbed into crunchyroll. Maybe I’m just holding a grudge but I think there’s value in remembering what they took from you.
I pay the yearly subscription for Sync Pro, and I consider it a donation more than anything. I’ve gotten so many years out of that app, and the developer choosing to repurpose it to Lemmy made my transition here almost seamless from reddit.
Wait, Sync for Lemmy is a subscription and not a one time purchase? Boost’s dev did a similar transition but only standard one time purchase there.
There’s a one time purchase to remove ads and a subscription for features like machine translation or importing/exporting your communities. It’s $17 yearly or $100 lifetime
I’m the same, and had paid for it during the Reddit days of the app. I’m hesitant to pay a subscription this time around, though, since the creator has always left for months and come back with a flurry of updates - which is entirely up to them, but a turn-off for something I’ll pay for periodically.
Sync is still my daily driver, and IMO few Lemmy clients come close.
Hadn’t seen the variation of pasta before. Feels like the perfect X years later of the original
reddit was not great after like 2015. It just completely shit the bed in 2023
These days if I wanna check reddit on my phone I just navigate to old.reddit on my phone’s browser.
redlib is also a pretty good front end: is one i used from time to time. there’s a bunch of other instances, as well
Wow this is fucking cool! Thanks man!
You might appreciate which catalogues all kinds of privacy-protecting front ends, and lets you bookmark a randomizer to automatically choose one for any service.
If you’re just lurking, RDX is a great alternative. An actual thick client and not a web app. I don’t know how the dev gets it to work but it’s great for when I just want to check my city’s sub.
I use SearxNG’s redirect functionality to redirect all reddit links in the search results to a Redlib instance. It won’t affect URL bar links but that’s okay, I don’t directly go to Reddit anymore.
They’re starting to break functionality though. Sometimes old Reddit doesn’t load comments or work at all on specific subreddits.
I use Stealth for any niche groups over there that I still follow, and then if I really want to comment, I’ll login with old.reddit on my browser.
RIP I have an iPhone so I don’t get to use anything cool
Think about that next time you choose a phone.
For iOS just use this safari extension and access it through the browser.
The experience itself is pretty good.
use rdx?
Why has the reddit mascot got chips on its head now?
He’s a wild and crazy guy!! Click on this wild and crazy guy for a coupon at McDonald’s! Post three reddit posts telling us how great your McDonald’s experience was for another chance to win! Woo hoo!
It’s supposed to be a weird 3D voxel banana for some reason.
But why did they blend a very hi-poly reddit alien with a super corny looking voxel banana?? It neither fits nor looks good?
Because it’s provocative
It gets the people going.
Ball so hard!
No, it’s not
Ah it’s not a heavily oxygenated Mohawk from an 80s bad guy, I’m disappointed
They went back to skeuomorphic?
My gosh that Reddit app icon is horrible. It looks like a terrible meme NFT or something. …Which was probably the aesthetic they were going for, to be clear.
ik reddit has nfts,which makes sense.
I haven’t looked at the front page of Reddit since the exodus. I have used it to deshittify Google search results but that’s it. I imagine it’s absolute garbage by now.
Same. Unfortunately I still need to visit smaller subreddits to get answers on niche topics, but that’s my only use for it now. In and out; 10 minute adventure. Not spending all day on the front page like I used to. Any more time than that on the website, and I’ll just end up getting into an argument with some Gen Alpha idiot who feels the need to butt in and say something ignorant. 10-15 years ago you’d only see that kind of behavior during summer break. Now /r/SummerReddit is all of reddit.
I hope that one day I can finally abandon that shithole for good.
Even the smaller subreddits on niche topics seem to be dying. I suppose the lost good will (and loss of third party mod tools, or course) caused many of the superusers to leave.
Their reputation and their front page are both in the trash. It’s not a fun website to be on anymore.
A number of the technical subreddits made their own forums on discourse, and the subreddits are either closed or in a zombie state.
I went and looked last night out of curiosity, and found absolutely vile racism on r/Canada talking about immigration. It was just shy of "deport them all’ in the comments.
Was it racist or did you just not like their opinion
Do you understand how housing shortage with price gouging, wage suppression and deteriorating social services will result in people not like immigrations?
Sounds like the regime fucked up and people expressing their political opinion on the issue.
But nahh… Just call people racist 🤡
They were racist and all around bigots in that sub reddit years before the housing issues, seems like you are defending shitty people.
Holy fuck, you’re right. They are all adults ish now. U nailed it with the /r/summerreddit take
I rarely touched that shithole called the front page. Mainly in Redditplanet for Windows Mobile, since you can’t login there.
Wtf is on the things head?
A pixelated banana. It looks horrible.
I bet it was AI generated.
Spez is just another lame techbro following Elon Musk
Is it a c/bananaforscale banana? Because it’s not a good one