• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • My favorite from my time working in the news industry:

    Neighbor puts toilets in their yard facing other neighbors house. That neighbor builds a fence so they don’t have to look at the toilets. Original neighbor then hangs toilets from the tree so it is visible over the fence. Cue complaints to get toilets removed by city/county.

    I believe the original dispute had to do with tearing out a shared bush and parking on lawn, but I don’t recall the details.

  • I personally have ~1 years worth of cash savings. I have it as an emergency fund plus slush fund for any big purchases so I won’t have to sell my stocks. For instance, I was able to purchase a new HVAC for my house without having to move any money around or sell any investments. I’ve just been slowly replenishing my savings alongside investing since that purchase.

    If I was you, I would definitely make sure I have at least 6 months savings and then maybe split investments/continued savings until I was at a point I was comfortable with in terms of savings (whatever it is that you decide that value is). Also, you say your savings account pays low interest. I would look to see if there are any High Yield Savings Accounts available in your country. Here in the US you can find accounts paying ~5% which is great for an efund.