You can never seem to remember where you parked your car and you wander a parking garage for eternity
You can never seem to remember where you parked your car and you wander a parking garage for eternity
ChildIDFile. Creates a secure file of your kid’s information that lives only on your personal device but can be shared with police quickly. Hopefully you never need it
Samesies. Geocities and MySpace were a good time. I now only keep the FartBook because of business not pleasure
I have washed shoes on gentle before with success. Technique, I put them in a pillowcase that closes first to keep laces from tangling
Meh, it works for me. I like it here more than reddit. Sorry that you haven’t found your groove. It toom me a while of finding the right things to subscribe and right folks to follow before my feed felt fun and interesting. I use Lemmy as a jumping off point for rabbit holes that are interesting to me
This is a truly amazing post. Really inspired writing. Thank you for making me actually lol and forcing my wife to listen to me read it out loud
Love this game. Its such a good experience
This reply is meant to generate discussion. It is not sarcasm or meant to be taken negatively at all:
What is the purpose of any rules? Why have them? Is it possible to make a “perfect” rule or policy or public intervention whereby all affected persons are serviced fairly? Probably not. If you conclude we need rules, how do we balance their benefits with the disenfranchisement of some of the persons affected negatively?
In your specific case, how do you make the rules minimize negative outcomes without excessively sacrificing the potential positive outcomes?
I’m genuinely interested in your perspective from your age and place in time.
These are good and valid questions. If you’re passionate about them, you may consider studying political science and/or law in the future. One day, if you’re still passionate about this topic, you may be in a position to change the rules.
Connect works for me