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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • In America “Left / Left leaning” is to the right of “Democratic Socialists/ Social democrats” which is to the right of “Socialists/Communists”. In countries where those are options, it can be confusing calling something that is on the right side of the above spectrum “left”. The bot should have either a numerical score (Nazi =1, Right = 3, Left = 5, Dem Socialist = 7, Communist = 9) or it should have a “Socialist leaning” category so that people get that they aren’t saying Al Jazzera is supportive of Marx

  • Do you really think anyone competent will work for Trump? The first time around he tried to deport dreamers, didn’t end the program the right way, and they didn’t get deported for his entire term. He would sometimes forget to sign bills he had photo ops with. He lead a group of rioters to the capital, told them where the electoral votes were, and they ended up taking selfies and Nancy Pelosi’s podium. And these were his intelligent supporters.

  • Everyone is talking about society or physiology stuff. That is just things that might get humans.

    Stars going super-nova is the real great filter. Our sun is 4.6 billion years old. Life started 4 billion years ago. In 4 billion years, the sun goes supernova. We are halfway to the end of the earth.

    Smaller stars last longer, but have smaller ranges that life can exist in - and planets tend to move in or out in their orbits. Bigger stars have giant habitable zones - but some large stars born when humans took their first steps are in their last decades of life. You couldn’t get from the pyramids to NASA in that time, never mind the 4 billion years it took to get to humans.

  • Checked wikipedia myself this morning. Looks like they switched it from the state attorney generals deciding what is “harmful content” to the FTC. Previously, an Anti-LGBTQ state attorney general could label any progressive website as bad and ban it for minors. (and because no one know how to age verification, that just means everyone). Now that only happens if Republicans get control of the whitehouse and appoint a activist to head the FTC.