• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • If you’re asking in earnest, the last decade has shown for profit corps know no bounds in using technology to extract, poorly protect, and often aggregate and then will make any attempt to monetize possible–often retroactively. While a dishwasher might not have much data in itself to exploit, if your internet connected TV, Car or phone which is constantly scanning for nearby WI-FI items or networks decided to start cataloguing them…well then that would just be a Tuesday for Google, Ford or Sony right?

    The more data points, the worse. More breaches, more creepy facts about us floating around in some creepy company or regime’s stockpile of data to be used, unilaterally against me. Or maybe the next company to buy the current company I’m happy with. Or the next regime that decides people like me aren’t full humans. Between your computer and phone, most people’s lives are somewhat laid bare, but add in car tracking which auto companies have stuck their funnel into during the last 5 years, add in appliances, put Wi-Fi if your shower handle…again the people adding Wi-Fi to things like a dishwasher that don’t need it have only one thing to gain, monetizing your data and selling it to someone who wants to control you in some way.

  • Death Is Nothing At All, By Henry Scott Holland

    Death is nothing at all.

    I have only slipped away to the next room.

    I am I and you are you.

    Whatever we were to each other,

    That, we still are.

    Call me by my old familiar name.

    Speak to me in the easy way

    which you always used.

    Put no difference into your tone.

    Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow.

    Laugh as we always laughed

    at the little jokes we enjoyed together.

    Play, smile, think of me. Pray for me.

    Let my name be ever the household word

    that it always was.

    Let it be spoken without effect.

    Without the trace of a shadow on it.

    Life means all that it ever meant.

    It is the same that it ever was.

    There is absolute unbroken continuity.

    Why should I be out of mind

    because I am out of sight?

    I am but waiting for you.

    For an interval.

    Somewhere. Very near.

    Just around the corner.

    All is well.

  • Rest easy, in the US, because of the QOL disparities, current tables aren’t publicizing how much less time poor people get once they “retire”, which now includes working for the most part and collecting social security disadvantageously early. It’s 4-6 years less life for the poor’s collecting SS at lower rates–so you won’t need a full 11 minutes of funds, probably 8 or 9.