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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2023

  • Some cities this can work, but some cities have been engineered to keep certain people out, we call it a tax on the poor, they cannot afford to live in the city, so they must stay outside like 30km minimum, and travel everyday in and out, about 1.5h a shot, so 3 hours total, plus 9 hours work. And for a salary if the employer is generous and pays above minimum wage we are talking US$250/month. 20-30% of this goes to transport (thank the taxi mafia which government does nothing against). When the government did put cycle lanes in our economic hub of a city, the poor decried since it took their public transport lane and gave the rich a nice cycle line to avoid all the traffic since they live close to work. Also, rampant crime makes it so that if you are poor and cannot afford security, good luck keeping your bike that won’t be stolen for scrap metal or whatever for a Nyaope hit (heroin with HIV anti retrovirals that have hallucinogenic properties as a side effect)

    South Africa and referring to Johannesburg, CBD to be specific. Yeah and our piss poor unemployment of 33% officially, closer to 50% unofficially, makes sure that if you are dissatisfied you can be easily replaced. Entrenched oppression is fucking hectic.

  • Of course not, hydrogen is pathetic compared to batteries and similar stored mass energy solutions, but hydrogen does have its place, the future should be a mixture of different solutions because many methods have their advantages and disadvantages, but having a mixture means we can apply the best solution to the viable problems. Let’s take transportation, you have a truck that earns money by travelling. If we want to transition away from fossil fuel, hydrogen makes sense over batteries that takes an hour to multiple hours to charge and the weight of the batteries reduce the overall payload of the truck.

  • The thing is, have you ever been to a coal mine. I am in the mining industry and have done multiple visits to coal mines, the magnitude of carbon they dig up, through underground or the cheaper dragline is jaw dropping if you realise that is going into the atmosphere. Like we have an exclusive club called a millionaires club for supervisors who in their section of the coal mine can extract more than a million tonnes in a year, they are greatly rewarded. This is excluding oil or petroleum products.

    To counter this you need to put the same or more carbon back into the ground, what technology do we have that can do it economically or even scalable, carbon capture is a gimmick in my opinion to give stupid people hope that there is an easy answer that is just around the corner. Maybe I have lost hope but my belief is that the carbon put into the atmosphere will not be extracted by humans, but will after 100s of years be absorbed into the ocean only if we stop our current emissions. Should we in the mean time lose our ice poles, glaciers and ocean currents, have heat destroy the fauna and flora while we do nothing. We have engineered this hot climate, can engineer it to be colder while we get our shit together.

    My country is the only developing country to be on target of meeting our Paris climate accord targets, how thanks to government corruption that led to the unavailability of our power stations where we have for years have rolling blackouts, or loadshedding as we call it. Fucks up our economy not having enough electricity, but great for the environment. I know there are green solutions to help alleviate our problems but our government has vested coal interests. So the best we can do is put solar power systems in our own homes

  • Can they release it on steam? Unfortunately this might be where epic sticks to its guns and won’t release it on steam, since if they did why would I ever get it on epic, I will just wait a few years. One way they could have gone is have it maybe at twice the price than what it will be on Epic. But this is like the streaming wars, first Netflix gave us what we wanted, everything in one place, and now that has led to a lot of great shows and movies being unknown due to the fragmentation of the platforms. Steam was ahead of its time, has a massive following and if it doesn’t get greedy will hopefully stay the place most relevant PC gaming platform

  • Can I state that this is in my opinion the best move to make. AMD can go and throw a crap tonnes of money for the title of slightly faster or almost as fast as Nvidia’s 5090 TI Super, where both cards will retail $2000 and very few will buy them, or it makes a bang for buck, focusing on the $200-$500 market where most are waiting for basically a generational leap in performance to make the commitment to upgrade. The RX range like the 480-580 from AMD used to be the plan and even Intel has seen a gap in the market there.