I know some ultra-marathoners, people who work extremely hard at heights, skateboarders/parkour…ist?/rock climbers, and one semi-pro soccer player who has a vertical leap that is unreal. Their connection is that none of them have social media(I dont count lemmy and do count 🦣). They are all capable of some amazing things that make you rethink humanity a bit. None of them look like instagram models, but I would argue that they are all more fit than the insta model crowd. I wouldn’t be inclined to bet on the models in a 1v1 fight either.
TLDR: I think the batman bit is more realistic
please define duct tape homelab
pedantic side rant: Adhesive tape with a plastic covered cloth backing was never and will never be duct tape. It was originally called duck tape because the plastic coating made water run off it like it runs off a ducks back. If you use this product as duct tape your going to have a bad time, it will develop cracking in the plastic portion of the tape and drying of the adhesive, both of these lead to ducts leaking and higher utility bills. Proper duct tape is a metal foil with an adhesive developed for the application. This leads to joints that stay tight long term and lower utility bills. IT’S NOT DUCT TAPE IT’S DUCK TAPE even if the packaging says it is duct tape. It should always be called duck tape (not always Duck™ tape) no matter what brand. It was named duck tape because water runs off it like it runs off of a ducks back, and that predates the Duck™ brand. As for the worry about confusing duck tape with Duck™ tape, nobody is confused when you ask for a kleenex or a bandaid no matter what brand it is. I spent to much time on this, I’m done ranting.
tldr: read the bold text and be less lazy
@blazeknave I promise I’m not trying to be a smartass in response to your comment.