Older. However, WYSIWYG was everything back in the day.
Older. However, WYSIWYG was everything back in the day.
10% off isn’t bad for a casual onlooker at their community. That’s 90% accurate.
Apart from a couple of countries, the percentages are small. The graph is distorted as it’s not showing the full 100%
Looks like most people, in most countries, are pretty close to accurate.
A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin; what else does a man need to be happy.
Albert Einstein
Doesn’t IMAP sync anyway?
Been using Thunderbird and K9 for years. All is the same on both.
That screen shot is gold. Gaming on Linux is dead to me. Thanks for sharing. It should all be public.
Switch. You know you want to. Give in to your desires. Feel the freedom flow. Enlighten your soul. Join us… JOIN UUUSSSSS
But, the person who died is buckled in. That’s how I read it.
I read your first sentence and after reading it I thought to myself this person sounds like they are wealthy.
Then read your second sentence which indicates you are wealthy.
I suspect that with children you would be happy also, if you are wealthy. Money really does make a difference.
But who can say?
Anyway, it sounds like things are good for you, so that’s great.
Sounds perfectly sensible.
I’ve always played as her. She was hawt. Turns out I must be gay. Who’d have known.
A few. Mostly extremist mods who censor a comment I made that didn’t fit their echo chamber. They seem to feel the need to message you after, to reiterate they only allow their views to be expressed, and to flex. I just block em.
Snack bar wrappers. Really weird ones that only really little kids love.
That’s a no.
Oh my goodness! Syncthing without Android leaves me screwed. My whole digital life revolves around it.
No science. But I have this with wine. If it’s not good wine, I’d usually rather just skip it. Wine snob they say. However, I’m there for the quality, and if it’s not there, neither am I.
I’m confident it’s not.
Check out Dia.
It’s excellent. Auto layout. Connector types. Etc etc.
And 72 people worked on it. For free.
Why not join in, and help out?