I am a Meat-Popsicle

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • So I have never experienced it at all. But my wife, at least once a week will mention something random and get an ad for it. If it were just purely confirmation bias I should be seeing the same biases.

    The last one last week she mentioned checking out a certain store 10 minutes later she got around to searching for it. Google auto completed “where can I” with find (whatever store she was looking for) It was the first time she had typed it in and it was dead on what we had been talking about.

    It’s definitely not everyone and everything every time but it happens in awful lot for coincidence.

  • One possible cause of the infections is that the devices are running outdated versions that are vulnerable to exploits that remotely execute malicious code on them. Versions 7.1, 10.1, and 12.1, for example, were released in 2016, 2019, and 2022, respectively. What’s more, Doctor Web said it’s not unusual for budget device manufacturers to install older OS versions in streaming boxes and make them appear more attractive by passing them off as more up-to-date models.

    I mean there’s knowing and there’s being certain. This seems quite likely.

  • The definitions picked up as a different name from everything almost everybody just refers to it is a generic Trojan.

    It could very well just be a false positive but I wouldnt leave it at that.

    An offline windows defender scan would be a good idea.

    You can always switch over to bitdefender there’s a free version of you search hard enough. Don’t run Windows defender and bit defender at the same time long term but it’s not a bad way to get a second opinion.

  • I was chaperoning on a school bus full of kindergarteners. They started chatting about the scariest movies they had ever seen. Some of them were talking about Goosebumps and some were talking about stuff in the realm of ET. The one little boy in my group looked up to me and said that stuff for babies that’s nothing. I said oh yeah? What are you watch. He said I like Jason I like Freddy I like Michael Myers. I asked him which scenes that he thought were the best and he actually seemed to have watched it all. I said so what did you think of IT by Stephen King. His eyes got wide and he said no no no no no no no. We’re not going to talk about that.

  • TVs are cheap right now like really cheap. I seriously doubt they’re selling them much above cost and making the money back on the advertising and information gathering.

    I don’t think any of the TV manufacturers would bulk too much at selling you a TV but it’s going to be at a price of around the lifetime value of your watching habits. You can get a 50-60" reference monitor for about 10 grand. If there was a market for it Best buy would probably sell it.

  • Is it ready for primetime supporting everybody’s random hardware and everyone’s software without crashes, stutters and slow downs or be free of the requirement for weird configuration tweaks?

    Probably not.

    Can it work perfectly well with a lot of hardware and a lot of situations for a lot of games Yes.

    Is it ready for primetime on a steam deck? Yes.

    Last OS change I threw bookworm on a random laptop asked it to install steam, enabled proton for my games and everything just worked. But that doesn’t mean it will work for everyone and for every game.

    Mixing ram is one of those no-nos that a lot of us do anyway. Ideally everything just slows down to the slowest piece of RAM and everything runs fine. And you wouldn’t think that the board would care if you have 16s in one side and eights and the other. But if you’re having problems with your stability that’s absolutely the first place to look. Even if all the RAM is perfectly matched, from a stability standpoint it’s better to run two sticks than four. I’d pull it back to 16 and see if it stops crashing. If it stops doing that so all your RAM and get two 16gb sticks.

  • I’ve run both. Started with Gnome.

    I didn’t absolutely love the UI but it wasn’t bad.

    Installed a bunch of plugins poked it product tweaked it. Made it exactly what I wanted.

    One time I tried KDE and found that it was exactly what I was turning gnome into with all the plugins.

    Admittedly, I think the Gnome control panels and tools are nicer.

  • Before WOKE, they used weird as a term to describe LGBT*, emo and anything else they saw as against their values.

    They just looked at other people not like them and said, they’re weird right, and they would all agree.

    Well now we’re calling them weird and backing it up by calling out specific actions they know are wrong. Now they’re saying no, no we’re not weird at the same time internally going are we weird? They’re questioning their values just a little. It won’t stick long term or make changes. But they don’t have introspection very often.