• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • I have accounts at two credit unions. One I love, one is okay.

    The first one has excellent customer service and was doing online banking before most banks even thought it existed - they had software you’d use to dial into their system with your modem. Obviously that has gone by the wayside but they have an excellent, full featured site. Rates are generally competitive. (Unfortunately I live in a different state than they are based in, so I can’t get my mortgage through them any more - they used to do it, but stopped offering mortgages in my state years ago.) They have nice touches, like if you withdraw cash from an ATM that isn’t theirs, they’ll refund the ATM fees you were probably charged.

    The other credit union is fine. No major complaints really, but after the experience with the first one, the second one just doesn’t compare. Their website is functional and covers all the normal pieces of online banking, but doesn’t have nearly the features the other one does. I probably wouldn’t know what’s missing if I hadn’t used the first one.

    We also have a regular bank. No major complaints with them either, but it’s not one of the biggies like Chase. One of the few remaining regional bank chains.

  • limelight79@lemm.eetocats@lemmy.worldcats and grandkids love/love
    1 month ago

    Yeah, though the kid was like 7 or 8 - old enough to know better. But his parents were divorcing and their mother had had them for months and was letting them get away with everything - the father (who brought them to our house) was trying to get them back in line, but he was overwhelmed.

    He and his brother also got into a cabinet where I have the LEGO Simpsons house and Kwik-E-Mart and tore both of them apart. I can kind of understand - LEGO, play - but also…dude, this is someone else’s house. Fortunately it was LEGO and could be rebuilt. They were breaking stuff or letting the cats out every time they visited (one left the door wide open…who does that? I said, with irritation, “You have to close the door!” and the kid got all upset, but when it comes to my pets, I’m not going to mess around).

    We tried to be patient and help - it’s difficult to teach kids manners if they haven’t been in the situation where they need them, right? Eventually they did settle down somewhat.

  • The whole page is the point. You don’t seem to be very informed on the situation; you claimed it was just a few friends. I was trying to tell you it was a systemic issue, and the long page is evidence of that.

    I’m guessing you’re religious and trying to avoid facing the fact that religions do bad things, too. Well, guess what? They do.

    “Ragging on religious institutions” lol. Seems like you just want to bury your head in the sand.

    I’ve scrolled through your comments and realize now you’re a Trump fan, so I now realize I’ve been wasting my time. There’s no point in trying to explain something to Trump fans, you guys are beyond help. And I’m guessing your “government school” comment is referring to the (insane, untrue) claims that schools indoctrinate kids to be trans or whatever the hell they are claiming today. So, don’t bother replying, I’m just going to add you to my block list, and I won’t see it any way.

    Trump fans. Just keep drinking that Flavor-Aid. Still supporting that jackass after all of the stupid shit he has done. The “party of law and order” supporting churches that covered up pedophiles for years. Insane.

    And yes, he is racist. If you think otherwise, you’re burying your head in the sand, again.

  • “If you want to know how Linux works, ask a Slackware user.”

    I’ve mentioned this a lot lately, but I used Slackware from the late 90s (3.x days) until about 2009 on my desktop and laptop, and about 2017 on my server. I just got tired of dealing with dependencies and switched to Debian (all three run Debian now). I had the CD subscription and would automatically receive the latest version about twice a year.

    Patrick Volkerding (if my memory is accurate) has my utmost respect, and I do feel a little bad about abandoning it, but I just didn’t have the time to deal with it any more.

  • A large unlighted vehicle appearing out of the darkness is not predictable.

    But a bear, deer, moose, or other large animal is, and they don’t have warning lights. Drivers need to drive within the distance of their headlights and sight; it’s that simple.

    I occasionally come around bends in the roads to my neighborhood and discover a deer standing in the road. Because I’m not going too fast, I’m able to stop and avoid hitting them. Or, I could come around a bend and discover a large tree has fallen on the road. Again, it’s my responsibility to be driving in a manner that I can stop in time. It’s not the tree’s fault if I hit it, unless it just happens to fall inches in front of me.

    Blaming the victims instead of the drivers is the biggest problem with cars in the US today. Drivers need to be responsible for their several tons of heavy machinery, and we do not hold them responsible often enough. So, drivers are practically encouraged to drive like nothing is going to go wrong.

  • I just had to change a few things - KDE, dark mode, X11 when I couldn’t get screen power off to work under Wayland, and it’s basically good to go. There might be a few other things I changed, but in general out of the box was pretty close to what I wanted. It even installed the AMD driver for my graphics card.

  • That sounds like it’s mostly about the default install, and I don’t have a problem with them making the default a snap - as I said, sandboxing a browser probably is a good idea from a security perspective, and most people probably aren’t going to care about snap vs. deb installs, so why not go with the safer alternative?

    My issue was that it kept switching back to snaps even after I tried to go to .deb installations. It happened at least three or four times. It would be fine for several months, then something would happen during an update, and it would switch back.

    I didn’t have the concerns the article mentions about it automatically updating; it would only update whenever I told software in general to update.

  • I can’t find it at the moment, but a few weeks ago I made a comment that I didn’t really care for the paddle shifters in our car (it’s an automatic, but you can switch to “manual mode” and shift it manually), because I know it’s not going to let me do something stupid, whereas a stick shift will usually let me do stupid things that can damage the engine. That’s partially what prompted the measuring power as ability to screw things up comment. :)