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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • Short answer: If they don’t know anything else about you except you’re “Christian”, they don’t know if you’re like a left-wing unitarian or a horrible “conversion therapy, make being trans a felony” evangelical. The former is pretty safe, but if you’re the latter hanging out with you could be dangerous.

    Longer thoughts: Many christians are not good about queer topics. This can include “we should torture them” (“conversion therapy”), laws that make life harder for them (eg: banning marriage), and lower grade unpleasantness like “i’ll pray so you don’t go to hell”.

    Many christians also don’t really do much to stop their peers. It’s not really your responsibility to fight everyone on every topic, but if you keep going to a church that wants to oppress queer people, you’re supporting something that’s hostile. I don’t care how nice their pastor is or how much fun the choir group is, if the church wants to rip apart my friend’s families and you support that, we can’t be friends. Find another church.

    Lastly, and this is more general and less about queer folks, most christians are not very good at it. The bible has lots of stuff about love your neighbor (and your neighbor includes your out-group) and not fixating on material wealth, but I see a lot of so-called christians doing squat for the homeless and vulnerable, voting for cruelty, and sitting around in their nice house with their big screen tv. (All that prosperity gospel, “sin all you want and be forgiven” stuff seems like nonsense.

  • Violence is not inherently bad. The badness depends on the context. So “doesn’t that make them more-violent??” appeal is technically true, but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong.

    “Cutting someone open and taking out an organ” is pretty fucked up, unless it’s in a hospital and they’re removing an appendix so the patient doesn’t die.

    Punching someone in the face is usually bad, but if that person is planning to go on and do mass murder, it’s still in the black.

    How do you tell they’re a nazi? Well, sometimes they tell you. Sometimes they wear a clothes that signal it.

    Sometimes people act like “if you can’t write an algorithm to perfectly decide how to behave in all cases you’re wrong” and that’s just not how human behavior and decision making has ever been. People make judgement calls with incomplete information all the time, and that’s okay.

  • How I feel about mana depends largely on how quickly it regenerates. It can be just a reskin of spells-per-day or spells-per-encounter, or it could be something more interesting.

    DA:O had unlimited mana potions, which meant essentially you spend a small amount of time to refresh mid fight. Not very deep tactically, but more or less fine.

    I don’t think resource management is really a thing most people actually enjoy. Most people don’t like timed missions, so you probably don’t want to use that to prevent people from resting a lot. You don’t want to soft-lock players by letting them blow their resources too soon, so they can’t win the fight but don’t have a way to restore. The dark souls style “you reset at the checkpoint but so do the monsters. Keep trying until you get it right” works for me, but a lot of people hate that.

    There are so many ways you could do magic, and it’s a bummer that vancian magic takes up so much space.

    DND just isn’t as good and universal as people think it is, but it’s hugely influential anyway.

    Side note: DND is balanced around like 6 “medium” encounters per day. You’re supposed to slowly trickle down your resources. Turns out most groups do one encounter per day on average, and then the system doesn’t work very well at all. There’s lot of patches (eg: gritty realism) but the problem remains people don’t seem to want to do that kind of cadence.

  • I’m reminded of the abyssal words in Elden Ring’s expansion. There are signs that tell you “Don’t let them see you!” and “You have to hide and run!”. You find an area with some tall grass and some creepy eye-monsters. And sure enough, if they see you they come running at you. They’ll knock you over, grab you, and explode your head.

    Clearly you’re supposed to sneak by them.



    You can also parry their attack, and then just kill them.

    Or just fucking book it and run past them, but that’s way harder.

  • I’m not sure what you mean. There aren’t really a lot of “quests” in gw2.

    There’s the main story, which is a green marker on your map. That’s always there (unless you turn it off or finish it)

    There’s orange markers for nearby events. That’s like “zombies are attacking! Save the town!” or “help these kids pick apples” or whatever. They’re just things that happen in the world and, to a limited degree, change the world state. Like an area might be full of toxic vines until an event finishes successfully, or a merchant might only sell items after his mission succeeds.

    There’s red markers, which are basically the same as orange, except they tend to be world events and not local.

    And then there are collections, which are kind of like quests. They’re not super advertised. They’re kind of of “get these achievements for a special reward”. Sometimes NPCs will give you one- like “go find all my favorite fish” or whatever. They’re optional, but sometimes fun and sometimes have good rewards. Like if you finish the one where you get most of the achievements for one chunk of the game, you get a max-stats accessory that all your characters can share.

    Anyway. Long reply. Nothing is really beamed into your head, no.