There is 0 guarantee “we still have elections”. I feel like that’s the part most people seem to just assume will work out when in reality they’re working so hard to remove all roadblocks to holding sham elections or just suspending them completely
There is 0 guarantee “we still have elections”. I feel like that’s the part most people seem to just assume will work out when in reality they’re working so hard to remove all roadblocks to holding sham elections or just suspending them completely
Don’t you know the world is Europe and America and “secluded tribes in Africa” only. This guy is running on pure vibes lol
Okay you’re still projecting American sensibility on the rest of the world … what you’re saying is a vibe and not objective reality.
Again we’re just over generalizing for no reason. A large part of what? America? I don’t think the trends here are the same exact thing as mainland china or Africa my dude. You can’t find that moment in history at all because you’re just projecting an America/western Europe centric view of the world onto the entire world’s population.
Okay if it’s due to porn than why has this trend been cyclical and dates back to ancient Egypt at least? There’s evidence of people shaving their pubes in the Roman times as well. It’s maybe come back in style because people saw it in porn but that’s just a trigger not really an explanation given the historic context
Naturalized citizen here originally from Poland. It took 6 years waiting to be eligible to apply for green card, another 2 to actually get a green card, then another 5 years of living in the states to be able to apply for citizenship. So total of 13 years. Granted Poland was in a different political climate 25 years ago and it was difficult to ever get into the US so it really depends on “country of origin”.
A dude with the power to punish all the pedophiles but choosing not to is not crying over “the weight of his role”. The amount of immoral shit you probably have to justify to even be considered for the position is just gross
My buddy would have one in his wallet and all the doggies in the airport were mighty friendly with him. For me that’s just extra anxiety while traveling when I can use pretty much anything to grind weed in a pinch (all pun intended)
Classic capitalist gotcha. Turns out that prioritizing shareholders (a 3rd party leech entity unrelated to the operations or customers) is always going to lead to censorship. Like the generic “shareholder” needs stable status quo to figure out how to exploit the poors in most efficient way and violent revolt doesn’t guarantee a higher than inflation result. Modern capitalism in America is straight up a mental disorder similar to hoarding. You don’t need the money nor the stock but you’re willing to fuck over literally thousands of people for a minor gain. It should be studied … but studying this doesn’t help the bottom line so fuck any progress it’s death and destruction for %% daily return. Fuck all this