• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • bitsplease@lemmy.mltolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldUpdates
    11 months ago

    I’m pretty sure the whole “iPhone as a status symbol” thing is a thing of the past - I literally can’t remember anytime in the last 5 years that anyone expressed envy at someone owning a iphone.

    I’d argue that yearly upgrades regardless of phone brand are more of the status symbol now

  • bitsplease@lemmy.mltolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldUpdates
    11 months ago

    on this site at least - you’re absolutely right, and the fact that you’re getting bombed with downvotes is pretty solid anecdotal evidence of that if nothing else lol

    Don’t get me wrong, I get just as annoyed by those who insist Apple can do no wrong as those who insist they can do no right. I just find it weird how pseudo-religious people can get about Apple. It seems like you’re not allowed to just view them as another tech company. You have to either crusade against them, or else you’re a paid apple shill

  • bitsplease@lemmy.mltolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldUpdates
    11 months ago

    They 100% did

    Don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty to gripe about with apple, just like every tech company, but I swear half the complaints I hear about Apple products on lemmy are either outdated or just plain wrong

    For some reason the anti-Apple circle jerk is supercharged on Lemmy. I’ll never understand why people get themselves so worked up over a brand they never have to do business with

  • Of course it won’t fix climate change in one go, but doing so would remove a major fossil fuel dependency for your average Joe and make them much more likely to vote against fossil fuels.

    Put another way, how many people driving gas cars would vote in favor of heavy taxes on fossil fuel use?

    Now, how many would vote that way if they personally didn’t have any dependencies on fossil fuels?

    Also, highway vehicles account for 1.5 billion tons of GHGs being emitted each year, that’s 11% of the global yearly GHG emissions, so yeah, it definetely would “move the needle”. In the US specifically it’s as much as 20% of our nations emissions.

    And yeah I already know the next argument “bUt YoUr JuSt UsInG fOsSiL fUeLs To ChArGe It” - except you’re not necessarily, in my area (part of CA), you can choose to have 100% of your electricity provided by renewable sources for a small monthly premium ($18/month). Additionally in CA, all new homes are being built with solar power, which further increases your ability to charge without fossil fuels.

    And in the areas that isn’t true, it’s at least getting groundwork laid down to make it true. An electric car can be powered by renewable energy, a fossil fuel car must be powered by fossil fuels.

    There are a lot of steps to solving climate change beyond “buy an electric car”, and you’re right that industrial and commercial pollution accounts for the majority, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be pushing on all fronts.

    We’ve already waited way too long to act, we can’t afford as a species to say “well, I’m not going to change my car until the industrial polluters get their shit together”, we have to push in Every possible direction, all at the same time to make progress, and electric cars overtaking fossil fuel cars is a big part of that.

    There’s a lot of work to be done globally until electric cars are 100% green, both in terms of power infrastructure and the processes to create them, but there’s no way forward with gas cars, so we need to start moving over as a society now, phasing out the production of gas cars with electric

  • Or when they extropolate from America the country being shit, to every individual American being shit for having the audacity to have been born here.

    Most of us would also rather it wasn’t like this, but our families, friends, and livelihoods are here, so generally speaking it’s not practical to just up and leave. And our political system is to broken for us to really fix via voting

    Trash on the country all you want, I’ll join in with you - but don’t blame the folks who are just trying to live the best we can in this fucked up country

  • Most would agree with your point - right up until you suggest that having an “uncorrupt government” is remotely possible.

    Pretty much the same level of unrealistic idealism as folks who think it’s remotely possible to transition a state to communism without it turning into authoritarianism.

    There, now I’ve pissed off everyone lol

    Edit: Except, I guess for the hardcore capitalists, but I assume those guys are all too dumb to read, so no point, really 🤷

  • You wouldn’t get articles like this if all that mattered were individual traits: https://rescuedoghome.com/huskies-in-shelters/amp/

    I can find you loads of .com articles that say that jewish space lasers are starting forest fires, what’s your point? If you’ve got an actual study I’d be happy to read it.

    I’ts funny that you’re throwing a fit about anecdotal evidence when all you’ve done is say what you feel is correct. The other guy posted an actual study that shows that breed is a poor predictor of behavior. If we’re all so stupid and you’re so obviously correct, it should take all of a few seconds to find a good source to back up your point - something a bit better than “This one shelter in bum-fuck nowhere Florida says Huskies are hard”.

    No one is arguing that breed has no impact on the patterns of behavior you see in large populations of dogs. But that it’s a much poorer predictor of behavior than people like you tend to think, and that you’re much better off taking the dog as an individual.

    If you tried to make my husky drive a sled all day, she’d fucking hate it. And I’ve met plenty other huskies that are the same way. You claimed that

    If you have a working dog breed, you need to maintain certain a level of activity or mental stimulation in order to keep that dog healthy and not bored

    I only mentioned my husky specifically because you were speaking in absolutes, so anecdotal evidence is really all that’s needed to refute it. If you said something like “many dogs who come from traditionally working breeds require blah blah blah”, or something similarly non-absolute, I’d have probably agreed with you.

    Really, all you have to do is go to your local dog park and hang out for a while to find loads of counter-examples to breed stereotypes, and that’s really all we’re saying here. You can’t just look at a Husky, a Golden Retriever, a Cocker Spaniel, or whatever, and assume that you can determine that dogs behavior just from knowing their breed. Period. If you’ve got anything more productive to add to the conversation than “God you people are stupid”, I’d be happy to continue to talk about this, but if you’re just gonna continue being a dick, then this’ll be my last comment. Totally your call

  • I read an interview where frank said that his intention was for Dune to be a cautionary tale about the dangers of charismatic leaders (which is to say, the “classic” hero archetype). Which - for the first book - tracks pretty well. The free are basically just used as cannon fodder for Paul to win back his power (and a lot more), then when he wins, he sets them loose on the universe because he can’t control them.

    The trouble I have with that though is that he goes on to contradict that point in later books, but I won’t get into that because I don’t want to spoil anything for you

  • It’s honestly crazy how many people can read Dune and completely misunderstand the themes of the book.

    Though to be fair, it sometimes feels like Frank himself didn’t fully understand what themes he was going for. Books 1-3 were staunchly “Beware of heroes, charismatic leaders will lead you to evil and despair”, then in GEoD, we find that literally the only hope for humanity was millenia of oppression by a totalitarian government.

    But either of those two takes is still wildly better than “spice saves the universe” lol

  • Funny you use Huskies as an example because I happen to own a super low energy husky who mostly just wants to sleep all day except on her walks.

    The individual dog is always more important than breed when determining temperament.

    It’s ironic that you’re going on about “Lot’s of claims with no evidence” - despite the fact that you yourself are making lot’s of claims and have yet to post an actual source to back it up.

    Do you have a study you’d like to share that shows that breed is a stronger determinator for individual behavior than a dog’s own personality? Or are you just saying what you “feel” is true and then accusing the people with actual sources of “peddling bullshit”?