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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Payday 3 has online only lobbies. On launch nobody could play for weeks because they were entirely overrun. Truly a baffling decision after the steam deck launch, probably made because they had some deal with their server provider. All while also competing with payday 2.

    Just checked and payday 2 is sitting at 20k current players while 3 is still <300.

    For comparison helldivers launched several months later, also had always online with launch server capacity issues, at a much higher scale, and fixed them within a week. That’s with Sony resources backing them, but still. Payday was out for weeks before it was playable for most.

    Just checked for laughs and helldivers 1 has more players than payday 3 right now.

  • I would urge the email protocol makers to stop the rampant corporate tracking. Basically every email sender gets your location, ip, and other info when you open it.

    I’d bet facebook has a team of marketers working tirelessly to grow their fedi market share so that less informed people think of the fediverse as just a part of threads. They started their own free ISP and half the people that used it ended up thinking Facebook dot com was all there is to the internet. They’ve decided to ruin the fediverse next because by federating, they can see a ton of info about you/your account by default.

    I think the FTC should do its fucking job, but until then people should stop these huge companies from getting exactly what they want as much as possible. I see no benefit, but a major threat from a company that spies and creates hordes of ill informed users. Literally they are in the news right now for man in the middling Snapchat data. You think they won’t/haven’t started that kind of thing for fedi? They can’t train their LLMs off Snapchat half as easy as they can here.

  • As an American, the churches here are pooling resources to buy politicians and hospitals in low income areas to enforce their views on abortion and gender healthcare. The church is a business and religion is the advertisement that keeps that evil funded.

    I’ve never seen the amount of pro religion comments as I’ve seen in this thread. And they’re all so… coughGPTcough ….verbose.