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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 7th, 2024


  • I’d’ve called the front desk when they were screaming at each other in the room. The front desk handles this sort of thing more than you and would have a better feel as to whether (for example) these are regular customers, how the local cops react, whether this is a normal or irregular occurrence for the area, etc. If the front desk or the cops had then stopped by the room with a noise complaint, that may have interrupted the disagreement enough that it may not have escalated later on. If they didn’t stop by with a noise complaint, I very likely would have done the standard ‘banging on the wall to get them to shut up’ thing, which may have had the same effect (I have trouble sleeping and this nose would’ve made me very irritable). I don’t know if I’d’ve opened my hotel room door, but I’d’ve at least looked out the peephole to assess the situation - and I’d’ve double-checked the lock and chain on the door during the first argument.

  • The same way you form any group: you meet regularly. Set a time and place that seems like it would be good for a good percentage of the people, and turn up there, every meeting. Have some of the meetings be about a concept or theme; let everyone know what the concept is ahead of time, so they can think about it and maybe do research or bring examples. And have some of the meetings be open meetings, where anyone can talk about stuff relevant to the group’s purpose. If it becomes a more active group, you may need to limit talking time per person in the open meetings; and if a particular topic catches fire in an open meeting, you can revisit the topic in a themed meeting.

    But groups are formed the same way friendships are formed: people turn up regularly to spend time together. Some meetings you may be the only person there, but be open and welcoming to those that do show up.

  • I usually try to plan a few foot-based errands in the area while they work on my car: maybe the pharmacy for my meds or some toothpaste, the bakery for a couple of these cupcakes my daughter loves, browse the bookstore, talk with the tea shop owner.

    We’re always in such a hurry and complain about missing the ‘community feeling’ of ‘the old days’, yet we never spend the time to just walk about the community, doing errands instead of “running errands”, casually catching up on events and goings-on. I like to use my time for that kind of thing.

  • I’d visit all my old friends and loved ones; without letting on what’s going on, I’d tell them how much I loved them and the impact they’ve had on my life. Arrange the basics of my funeral. Get rid of a bunch of stuff that I like but will just be underfoot when they clear out my place. Organize and label family photos and videos. Stick post-its on things made by my grandparents, great-grandparents and other relatives who they can be passed on if desired. Put together that book of old family recipes. Give some things away to specific people to make sure they end up where I think they ought to go. Make arrangements for my cat, and tell her how much I love her and how much I’ll miss her, but that she’ll be okay.