• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • It’s true for a lot of these minor complaints about America. Of course there are valid complaints about the US, but some of them are very petty and not a real representation.

    “American food quality is bad” because you go to fancy restaurants on vacation, and/or when visiting the US don’t know where to find quality food because it’s in different places.

    “but quality food is cheap” yeah when you have to pay half as much or less for labor it can be

    “people are less fat because the food is healthier” no, people are less fat because they are addicted to cigarettes instead of soda. also walk more.

    “america has no culture” … this should be obvious

    “Americans are so loud” this very much depends on the country you’re comparing too, but at least where I’ve lived Germans, Dutch, and locals(Czechs) are the loudest

  • I do say we invaded Iraq as an American, unfortunately, and we committed genocide against American Indians…

    I did not. If you believe you did, then you should be punished for it. And terrorist acts against you would be more defensible.

    maybe I should say our government did that… but kinda wanna own up to what elected officials did.

    Why? You’re not responsible for their actions, you are oppressed by them too.

    As far as murder goes, I’d rather not collectivize that. Any big problem with humanity sharing in the good humanity does?

    Well why’s it different?

    I’m not a particularly accomplished person, but to the extent I have “accomplished” anything, it has been built on the backs of many giants, but also hindered by many others- who honestly, don’t deserve credit for it. And I deserve no credit for what others have done even if what I have done has aided them in it- I deserve credit only for what I have done, and the parts I specifically have contributed.

  • I would say its better to take credit for what you have done, rather than collectivize everything. If a politician happened to win an election and start a war in Iraq for example- do you say “we invaded Iraq and killed innocent civilians”? Should you be held responsible for that? If you’re a nurse and you save the life of someone who goes on to murder 10 people- did “we murder 10 people”? No. I believe you are only responsible for what you directly did.

  • If given infinite resources, yes. I answered you.

    I again didn’t ask that. Its also not true for all populations(such as human populations)

    The current population will likely be zero, perhaps simply approaching the limit of zero if tardigrades and extremophiles survive. But in terms of multicellular life, yeah, there can be a zero for sure.

    I did ask if there can be either. I asked why you assume it would be.

    It would be cool if our ozone was working perfectly, then, huh? But it’s not any more, and is getting worse:

    That source seems to indicate that they’re not entirely sure why it is getting worse, but it is a combination of factors. However NASA and the the UN say recovery of the ozone layer is still on track for 2040.

  • If a population is given infinite resources, sure, theoretically.

    I didn’t say they were given infinite resources. I said if a population is growing exponentially does that mean it will continue to do so.

    The energy that comes from the sun is cumulative and may as well be considered infinite since the sun isn’t going out any time soon.


    Did you really think that was a gotchya?

    What? It was a question you didn’t answer. Why do you assume just because something is exponential that it will continue. Another example- transistor size in processors exponentially shrinks. Does that mean eventually it’s going to reach zero nm? (hint the answer is no)

    I’m also not saying that this disproves something can exponentially fall to zero. I’m just saying, stating the current relationship doesn’t guarantee it will continue.

    Look at every other planet. That ours happens to be energetically at a temp to support life is the exception.

    Earth is very far removed from other planets in terms of atmospheric conditions.