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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2024


  • If calculated over lifetime, this number becomes closer to 1 in 75: This year one has the ‘chance’ or risk of 42000/335000000=12.5/100000 to be killed by a car. But one has this risk every year of the ~80 years one lives, thus the life time risk for the average person is about 1 %. Maybe the data is ‘cleaned’ for road death and people living close to agglomerations, where one encounters traffic jams, and thus the number is slightly higher, 1/75.

  • ####Bleibende Momente
    Klonen Sie die Stimme einer geliebten Person und lassen Sie sie Ihren Kindern Ihre Lieblingserinnerungen oder -geschichten vorlesen.

    ####Gibt es eine Software, mit der man die Stimme von jemandem nachahmen kann? Speechify AI Voice Cloning kann jede Stimme in Sekunden klonen. Alles, was die KI braucht, ist, dass sie sich die Stimme für etwa 30 Sekunden anhört. Sobald sie die Stimme einer Person gesampelt hat, kann sie mit der gesampelten Stimme lange Dokumente lesen, Podcasts erstellen und vieles mehr. Haben Sie einen geliebten Menschen, dessen Stimme Sie gerne mal hören würden - wandeln Sie einfach jeden Text in seine Stimme um. Erstellen Sie Audio-Podcasts oder Voice-Overs. Jetzt können Sie stundenlang mit Ihrer eigenen Stimme sprechen - ohne ein einziges Wort zu sprechen.


    Alternatively, https://www.resemble.ai/voice-cloning/ could do it, as they state:

    ####Can I clone anybody’s voice? While Resemble AI empowers users to create AI replicas of various voices, it’s essential to adhere to ethical guidelines and obtain proper consent before cloning someone’s voice. Respect for privacy and intellectual property rights is paramount in utilizing our technology. Please read our Ethics page for more details.

    However, Danish is only in their ‘Pro’ tier list, so you should perhaps try it with some English text first.

  • Anything GTK GUI related is not necessary anymore once you have installed KDE, as you then typically use e.g. Discover for software managing instead of the mint software center.
    I assume they stopped having a KDE version, as they then would have to completely rewrite their apps (those for the Mint look and feel) in Qt and supporting two such elementary different versions is to much for one team. Now, as they are delivering a Mate, Cinnamon and XFCE flavour, they can take advantage of them being all GTK2 or GTK3 based.