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Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Hi I’m someone else, I’m an architectural technologist and used to work at a structural engineering firm.

    The engineers don’t have professional responsibilities they have financial and familial obligations that are threatened by the kinds of people who have too much power and not enough brains. They don’t owe their employer fucking diddly-squat, especially if that employer is asking them to endanger others. It is unfortunate that 90% of the construction industry is pretty backwards.

    As for the being fired for upholding a legal and moral responsibility I’m literally doing nothing on my couch on a Monday morning because some very fragile people didn’t like that I refused to draw up plans for an illegal stair(I have a certification in the building code). They got mad at me based solely on their woeful misunderstanding of the applicable code(they literally didn’t even know they had to update their physical copy every year and fought me on it). Unfortunately it’s hard to prove so all I could really do was take screenshots before I lost access and send them to the province’s professional engineering association to at least get them into some kind of trouble. They took the case but it was probably just a “they’re stupid and it’s a first reported offence so we’ll give them a warning” kinda thing, but still.

    I would do it all again, too, because fuck that guy and fuck anyone who tries to scare me into compliance. I’m one of not many people who can weather the storm of unemployment and I’m not going to disrespect those who can’t risk fighting back by being a coward.

  • As usual they get to live and their innocent victims pay the price.

    You know what would be awesome? If Kevin O’Leary died in a house fire, trapped and begging for his life.

    Is that harsh? I gave up caring years ago. These people have every possible resource at their disposal to not be absolute pieces of shit. But they just can’t stop doing shit that leaves millions of people dead, injured, or much more commonly, in a state of poverty or near poverty for their entire lives because these assholes never learned how to share.

    So I’ll say it again: I hope Kevin O’Leary dies in some excruciatingly painful way. Bonus points if him being a jackass kicks it off and he has to suffer the consequences of his own actions.

  • So that one state is a minority government? If it weren’t for the fact the right is just objectively wrong about literally everything I actually prefer a setup where no one party has a majority. Majorities mean that the ruling party can just ignore everyone else and huge numbers of people just have effectively zero representation.

  • Ikea’s stuff is fine for the price you pay. Oddly enough their solid pine items are really sturdy and usually among the cheapest since it’s so simple and comes unfinished. I have a Tarva queen sized bed and it’s great, plus I bought $8 of 2x2 and made custom length legs for it.

    The one on the left wasn’t necessarily built to last longer. It was probably absurdly expensive back in the day and there were plenty of more cheaply made(but admittedly solid wood) options. No one is taking pictures of those less flashy pieces, though. Also you say timeless but, c’mon, it’s cool and all but definitely doesn’t fit everywhere. It screams “medieval castle” and is pretty over-the-top for basically any modern home, even grandma’s place.

    The other thing about those shelves is that they’re a lot lighter than solid wood. When you want to place them in fun locations and need to use drywall anchors it’s a big thing to reduce the weight where you can. It’s not like people are displaying bowlingballs in them. They last a plenty long time unless you have a habit of trashing your place and there’s certainly such a thing as “over-built”. If that shelf “inevitably falls out of style” then style moves slower than I thought because they’ve been making and selling that thing for-fuckin’-ever. Most importantly it’s affordable in today’s world where executives have siphoned away all our money and the working class has been left without the funds to invest in quality furniture when the Ikea stuff does just fine.

    TL;DR the piece on the left was not common when it was made and the piece on the right has its merits, not least of which is accessibility.

  • I think we’re agreeing so I just want to clarify:

    The person I replied to was sounding like they were saying that the world allows traditionally hot people to get away with normally heinous stuff. It’s partly true because we absolutely, on instinct, will judge people on appearances(many have learned not to act on those feelings so quickly and that is a good thing).

    I was trying to go against that by pointing out pretty much exactly what you said which is that there are many traditionally attractive people out there labelled sleezy or creepy or whatever else by their peers i.e. they aren’t getting away with it based on their looks. I’m not sure why agreeing statements are “polar opposite”.

    My point about “ugly” people was to give my experience with people who claim that all people care about is looks are often pretty crappy people as well and to acknowledge the fact that no amount of being a good person will make up for a lack of hygiene and that is something that can be controlled quite easily(a semi-decent haircut, shaving if your beard sucks and keeping it neat if you have one, etc. are all easy and reasonable things to expect, for example).


    I personally find that being somewhat neat and deliberate isn’t even about whether or not I like the chosen style but instead about simply being turned off by people who look like they wouldn’t notice a crusty kitchen counter or nasty smell. It’s like a car. I would 100% rather drive or be a passenger in a tidy(doesn’t need to be spotless) Nissan Versa than go anywhere near a dirty BMW with crumbs everywhere and bits of garbage on the floor. I want to trust that the stain I see was cleaned as much as it could be and won’t transfer onto me.

  • There are plenty of traditionally good looking men, and women, who are considered to be creepy. It takes slightly longer for people to acknowledge it but it absolutely happens. There are also many people who are “neutral” where their attitude flavours their looks. If they’re creepy they’re sleezy and if they’re respectful they’re put together.

    To be honest the “ugly” people I know who’d be considered creepy very quickly a) are being creepy and b) haven’t even attempted to make themselves presentable.

  • There’s plenty to show that tailgating is the entire reason for “rush hour” traffic. Not allowing others to merge safely means you end up with people being cut off or slowed down constantly. Everyone wants to be going the fastest but no one wants to go the quickest.

    I leave a huge amount of space on the highway and cruise at a more constant speed to avoid this issue. It always helps traffic behind me flow better. My favourite was a guy behind me who was super pissed off and ran into the on-ramp lane to pass me, honked a bunch, floored it, and then had to slam on the brakes to avoid absolutely obliterating the car in front of me. My car is 50in tall, it’s not hard to see around but people just don’t get it. I figured it out by myself the very first time I went on the highway and yet…

    It’s different at lights and stuff, of course, but only a little. Regardless it just goes to show that people have no idea what they’re doing and a whole lot of pent up rage to really make it “fun”.

  • Alternatives. Addictions seem so often caused by the fact there’s fuck-all else to do or because someone feels trapped without those vices. If all they have is the phone then I don’t blame them.

    Do you live somewhere with transit access? Living in a car-centric suburb is another way kids are essentially stuck at home with little to do because of how difficult it is to interact with other people or participate in activities.

    Also remember to, if you aren’t already I don’t know you, show them that they can learn things. I know so many people who legitimately think they can’t do certain things. They think they can’t make things out of wood or fix a car or whatever else. When I help my friends with that stuff I tell them that the only price is that I want to teach them a new skill/confidence and friend when I tell you that seeing them operate a power drill for the first time, do their first oil change, paint a wall, whatever is the greatest feeling I can get my hands on I ain’t lyin’. Kids know they aren’t experts but I see so many people, even without ill intent, acting as if they can never be and it hurts me to see.

    I bought a mandolin for $50 a few months ago and despite playing bass since 2007 this thing has reduced my screen time an absurd amount. It might not be an instrument but whatever it is it should be accessible, something they can grab and fiddle with in place of the phone. Oh and to my previous point: The thing was cheap and needed work but a few Youtube videos later and I have the thing playing way out of its league now.