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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I bought one of those vegan Spam-a-likes and I have to say I really didn’t like it.

    I my thought process was “Spam’s so heavily processed, how much worse could it be if no meat were involved?” the answer turned out to be “A lot.” I don’t know how to describe it. It’s like… you know how there are all beef hot dogs, but they don’t taste anything like beef? It was kinda that but with Spam… but Spam isn’t very meat like to begin with.

    All that being said, after the plant based Spam sat in my fridge until it started to get fuzzy, I threw it out for the stray cats in my neighborhood. Despite the fact I found it to be quite unappealing, starving alley cats found it to be meat like enough to eat it… which I guess is a mark in it’s favor?

  • Sludgehammer@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldI fell for it. Fuckin' SteelSeries
    1 month ago

    Honestly, I really hate glowing keyboards I go out of my way to avoid them. Same with fans and cases with a LED lightshow built in.

    The problem is that it’s so hard to find components that constantly don’t glow all the time. Even my computer has a LED fan in it, because it was all I could find for cheap. Fortunately it’s a old “metal box” type case so except for a vent on the side the glow is almost unnoticeable… but occasionally when the rooms dark I’ll see the slight glow seeping out and get annoyed all over again that a tiny fraction of the power my PC is using is for lighting up a closed box.

  • Fun thing about Chagas, the disease Assassin bugs transmit to gain their bodycount. Trypanosoma cruzi (the protozoa that cause the disease) has developed a nasty little trick where it’ll offload snippets of its DNA into the host organism. This will usually cause a auto-immune disease, both weakening the host and diverting some of the efforts of the immune system.

    The interesting thing about this is one of the cells it can offload the DNA into are sex cells which means it becomes a heritable trait and becomes a part of the host genome. So there are naturally GMO humans out there with chunks of protozoa DNA in them… usually to their sorrow since the DNA is geared for causing auto-immune disorders.

    Edit: Fixed typo.

  • The terrible thing about these isn’t the fake orange juice combined with rot gut vodka, it’s that (at least in my area) they want twelve freaking dollars for this shit. That’s three bucks a can!

    You could literally buy an entire jug of not-orange juice as well as a 750 ml bottle of vodka for less.

  • There’s been research that language shapes how we perceive the world around us. Because there was no word for “blue” there was no concept of blue, the color still existed but their brains just lumped it into “green”. Sight works by the visual centers brain taking data from the eyes, throwing most of it out, then building a model which is what the rest of the brain gets to actually “see”. That’s why optical illusions work.

    A commonly cited source for language shaping our perception of color is Jules Davidoff’s studies on the Himba tribe. The Himba have no word for blue, and they struggled to pick out the blue square from this color wheel. However, they do have many distinctions for shades of green so when given this color wheel they could easily pick out the square that’s a different shade of green (and yes I opened it in MSpaint to check and one of the green squares is a different shade.)

  • IMO improving graphics technology is a case of diminishing returns. Sure you can always make a better looking game by throwing more processing power at it, but that has (at best) a minor effect on things like gameplay and story. Like seriously, if Squenix had decided to make FF7: Rebirth in the PS3 era, other then some uglier graphics how much would the game have have been different?

    And (to actually tie this in to the thread) that’s the reason PS5 sales have been so sluggish. What do you really need those PS5 graphics for? I mean my PC is still running hardware from 5-10 years ago, because there isn’t anything I really need to upgrade for. Most of what I’ve been playing is indy titles and for the few graphic intensive games I want to play they’ll usually run if I lower some graphics settings.