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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Oh, I guess that’s slightly better. At least this fucking idiocy didn’t make it into, essentially, law. But it also means that Nintendo (and other corpos) will not stop suing people left and right.

    At what point will they sue fucking computer manufacturers, I wonder? Clearly, the ability to run unsigned code facilitates creation of code that’s illegal (such as DRM circumvention tools and fucking Nintendo emulators), which, in turn, obviously facilitates piracy of Nintendo games! Poor Nintendo is loosing dozens of dollars because of those evil, evil computers which are clearly used for pirating their games and nothing else! This needs to stop!

  • S410@kbin.socialtoPrivacy@lemmy.mlAndroid Microphone Snooping
    7 months ago

    Android is sending a ton of data, though, even if you’re not doing anything internet related. It, also, kinda reacts to “okay, google”, which wouldn’t really be possible if it wasn’t listening.

    Now, it obviously doesn’t keep a continuous, lossless audio stream from the phone to some google server. But, it could be sending text parsed from audio locally, or just snippets of audio when the thing detects speech. Relatively normal stuff to collect for analytics purposes, actually.

    Now, data like that could “easily” get “misplaced”, of course, and end up in the ad-shoveling machine… Not necessary at Google’s hands: could be any app, really. Facebook, TickTok, random free to play Candy Crush clone, etc. But if that data gets into the interwoven clusterfuck of advertisement might, it will likely end up having an effect on the ads shown to the user.

  • Dualbooting is possible and easy: just gotta shrink the Windows partition and install Linux next to it. Make sure to not format the whole thing by mistake, though. A lot of Linux installers want to format the disk by default, so you have to pick manual mode and make sure to shrink (not delete and re-create!) the windows partition.

    As for its usefulness, however… Switching the OS is incredibly annoying. Every time you want to do that you have to shut down the system completely and boot it back up. That means you have to stop everything you’re doing, save all the progress, and then try to get back to speed 2 minutes later. After a while the constant rebooting gets really old.

    Furthermore, Linux a completely different system that shares only some surface level things with Windows. Switching to it basically means re-learning how to use a computer almost from scratch, which is, also, incredibly frustrating.

    The two things combined very quickly turn into a temptation to just keep using the more familiar system. (Been there, done that.)

    I think I’ll have to agree with people who propose Virtual Machines as a solution.

    Running Linux in a VM on Windows would let you play around with it, tinker a little and see what software is and isn’t available on it. From there you’ll be able to decide if you’re even willing to dedicate more time and effort to learning it.

    If you decide to continue, you can dual boot Windows and Linux. But not to be able to switch between the two, but to be able to back out of the experiment.

    Instead, the roles of the OSes could be reversed: a second copy of Windows could be install in a VM, which, in turn, would run on Linux.

    That way, you’d still have a way to run some more picky Windows software (that is, software that refuses to work in Wine) without actually booting into Windows.

    This approach would maximize exposure to Linux, while still allowing to back out of the experiment at any moment.

  • S410@kbin.socialtoLinux@lemmy.mlI dislike wayland
    7 months ago

    Wayland has it’s fair share of problems that haven’t been solved yet, but most of those points are nonsense.

    If that person lived a little over a hundred years ago and wrote a rant about cars vs horses instead, it’d go something like this:

    Think twice before abandoning Horses. Cars break everything!
    Cars break if you stuff hay in the fuel tank!
    Cars are incompatible with horse shoes!
    You can’t shove your dick in a car’s mouth!

    The rant you’re linking makes about as much sense.

  • Simply disabling registration of new accounts using Tor/VPN should be sufficient and won’t affect existing users.

    Although, requiring verification of accounts made via those would be a better approach. Require captchas to prevent automated posting. Automatically mark posts made from new accounts and/or via Tor or a VPN for moderation review.

    There are way to mitigate spam that aren’t as blunt and overreaching as blanket banning entire IP ranges. This approach is the dumbest, least competent way of ensuring any kind of security, and, honestly, awfully close to being needlessly discriminating. Fuck everyone from countries with draconian internet censorship, I guess?

  • Seems to region locked. There isn’t a word about the game being given away, unless I log out of my account and use a VPN.
    What even is the point of region-locking a fucking giveaway?

    Edit: well, at least changing the region in the settings works. I guess it defaults to whatever country it thinks the IP the account was registered from belongs to?

  • Meanwhile Discord misses half the features Matrix has. It’s almost as if they’re different projects with similar, but different goals.

    One tries to be a flexible, interoperable, and secure protocol for communication, that’s free for anyone to implement and use…

    The other is a for-profit company that cherishes its centralized nature and far reaching control, allowing them to sell you random bells and whistles, collect your data unobstructed, and lure in investors and advertisers.

  • You pull up. Get out. Put the nozzle in. Then you go inside. There, you wait in line for 5 minutes, because the dick from another pump decided to buy a fucking coffee and a sandwich, and the only employee is busy making those for him, instead of operating the pumps. Then you actually pay and get the gas flowing. By the time you’re back at the car, it’s already finished pumping.

    So, there can be a time gap of several minutes with multiple actions and distractions during it. Is it really that surprising people forget to pull the thing out, occasionally?

  • What a great set of options!

    Either become a criminal by deflecting and crossing the border illegally, only to face constant fear of being caught, deported and prosecuted for deflection, illegal border crossing, and treason… Which is basically, a life sentence.

    Or become a criminal in the eyes of the civilized world by participating in an attack on a sovereign country. Which, honestly, will most likely result in death.

    So, basically: being a Russian, who can’t afford to leave the country via the convoluted and expensive ways that are still available, is a crime. Got it! Nice!

  • You do realize that crossing a border is illegal, even if there’s no wall, right?

    First: leaving Russia without a permit is illegal and punishable by fines and/or prison.
    Second: Entering any country without a permit is illegal and will get you deported and banned from entering it ever again.

    Merely being Russian does not grant anyone asylum rights. Poland and the Baltic states, for example, won’t consider any asylum requests, even from persons who are being conscripted. At most, the process can be slowed down with appeals to last a year or more, but it will, almost certainly, end up in deportation back to Russia, followed by Russia prosecuting the deflectors.

    Even North Koreans get deported back to NK, despite the fact that the country is considered to be hellhole by pretty much everyone, everywhere.

  • Sons and daughters of Russian oligarchs will.

    It was always hard and expensive to leave Russia for a first world country, and right now most of those countries are making it even harder and even more expensive than before.

    For example Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland, (most of which share a border with Russia) banned Russians from entering the countries outright, regardless of purpose, greatly limiting options for leaving Russia via land.

    Other countries introduces other restrictions, like directing anyone wishing to get a visa to their embassies in Moscow exclusively. Which is a bit of a problem, considering the size of the country.

    Oh, an of course there are inherent restrictions due to the visa facilitation agreement being suspended.

    The article above makes it pretty clear Russia is interested in preventing international cooperation. So I wouldn’t expect things like joined research endeavors or exchange programs to be common, if allowed to happen at all.

    So, how does any of that facilitate brain drain, exactly?