To late now. Without an account there’s no way to avert comment necromancy by reddit. It’s why I kept my login; so I could clean up stragglers.
To late now. Without an account there’s no way to avert comment necromancy by reddit. It’s why I kept my login; so I could clean up stragglers.
Oh yeah, my state has one boob on the flag and one in the Governor’s mansion. Livin’ the dream.
It’s magic and we don’t know how it works*.
* as of my latest coursework in Biology; IDK if anything has been discovered since the 80s.
Not only that, but SP500 pays dividends practically every year, whereas gold costs money to store securely. $15M in SP500 would have netting something around $300k last year in dividends alone.
In some industries, absolutely. In others, there are benefits to staying or there really is 10 years of growth potential.
can’t fuck off from our responsibilities when we can’t be arsed with minimal consequences
This might be the most (long term) depressing thing about adult life. Having a class for a semester or a year means that the mental overhead of a class builds up but, when you’re done, that demand is gone and you start over without baggage next term. Jobs build up that overhead, but it just never lets off, ever, unless you quit to take a new job. Switching (professional) jobs is similar to a semester/year end and - esp if you can swing a couple weeks in between - gives you that re-zeroing and that little honeymoon period at the beginning like the start of a class when you don’t have homework yet. The difference is that the switch often occurs on a scale of a decade, not a year.
Meh that’s easy. Thin, glasslike, uniform exterior aesthetic.
It faces death at about the same rate as Facebook. Just like facebook, it has a huge database of information and a still-active userbase that just doesn’t care that Spez is trash or that Reddit is wringing their content and eyeballs for money. It will still be around 20 years from now, just like aol email addresses.