Drink 😁
My experience is the opposite - FOSS is often obtuse, with an assumption that you see things the same was as the dev, which is usually a single person or at most a very small group. Add to that, documentation is nominal, or non-existent, and quite often lacking even a high-level description of what an app does, let alone where to find features in an app. FOSS devs often don’t even follow menu layout that’s been pretty well established at this point. For example, I’ve found the Settings menu under File, Help, Tools, View, etc, in different apps.
Proprietary apps are usually developed by a team, one that’s studied the market segment (or another group has), and usually understands how that segment operates. They then develop the app based on design goals established by a team other than the developers, with UAT (user acceptance testing) performed at given stages (this is even more frequent today with Agile project management). It’s not uncommon for a UI to be mocked up and given to end users to validate UI design/layout choices long before anything is even developed.
These devs usually follow a company standard process, with code reviews by other people. Their changes must be approved by management, and those changes are often requested and reviewed by other teams before being submitted to the dev team.
Most FOSS simply doesn’t have the time or staffing to do what most proprietary software dev does.
And I use both proprietary and FOSS all day long.
When you say sync, what are you wanting to sync?
Passwords, keys, etc? Bitwarden (maybe with vaultwarden).
You’re not wrong on the primary reason why life spans are longer.
That doesn’t account for all of it. Or for the major difference in quality of life in the 40+ ages.
The difference in my grandparents generation vs mine in overall health at 40 is staggering. They were born before what could arguably be called modern medicine (the beginning of antibiotics) existed.
I had a family member get a knee replacement 20+ years ago - that was magical futurism in my grandparents generation. And the difference from then (weeks of rehab, crutches, etc), vs today when it’s typically outpatient surgery and you’re walking on it the same day.
Or the number of people not having strokes or heart attacks because of medicines to treat underlying conditions.
The difference in my own lifetime is staggering.
So you’re assuming. The naturalistic fallacy at work.
Unpopular opinion: curry smells and tastes awful.
Going from memory, I think the app Immich is often talked about as a server for your own photos. I haven’t tried it yet.
Oh, nice combo of tools. May actually be a better approach than Resilio or Syncthing.
Möbius on iOS, Syncthing on Mac/Linux, SyncTrayzor on Windows, Syncthing-Fork on Android.
Alternatively Resilio Sync.
I do find Resilio works better for iOS - it handles photos better due to iOS restrictions.
A used flagship is a great phone (except for the glass nonsense, give me all plastic please). It’s all I buy, 2 or 3 year old flagship for 1/4 the price of new.
I just upgraded from a 2017 flagship to a Pixel 5, for $120!
I haven’t had a charging concern for Bluetooth for probably 10 years.
Today, my ear buds have a case. If I use them for music for 8 hours, they tell me they need charging. That’s how much they’ve improved.
The charging case rarely needs charging, and it supports wireless, so I just set it on the charging base.
A “must”, only for a subset of users.
If it were truly a “must”, more people would be complaining.
I get it, you find Bluetooth unappealing for reasons, just like I find larger phones unappealing. Unfortunately, we’re a minority, neither of these are a “must” for most people.
Nothing to extend/extinguish. UNIX existed first, and has a very different use-case. Linux shares that history.
NT was developed from DEC Alpha, which came well after Unix (so learned some lessons from it). I don’t see it being inferior to Unix/Linux, but different.
Both have strengths and weaknesses.
One area that Linux really beats Windows is the IoT/embedded/low power devices. The NT kernel just has too much built in.
Yea, it’s an API, just like POSIX was decades ago. (Though more advanced, it’s been decades after all). .
Make sure your stuff is not visibly dirty?
It’s dirty clothes. Please, enlighten me on how to make it “not visibly dirty”.
Life is messy. Ever changed a baby’s diaper? A cloth one? And had them pee and poop on you while doing it?
That’s life. It’s messy.
Oh, neat setup!
Your question isn’t clear.
Just because the results they find are gov sites people don’t do it? I don’t follow. Seems like gov would be a good source?
(Well, not really, I’m sure they leave out some crucial details).