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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • It’s not trusting Big Tech, it’s understanding that Little Tech can also lie.

    Cox Media Group wants to hype up their product and use AI buzzwords. To be seen as reliable they say that they work with Google, Amazon, Facebook, etc.

    The report is basically CMG saying they can do X, and everyone else calling bullshit. (And in response CMG clarifying “No, we don’t actually do that” and then also removing the companies they don’t actually work with.)

    It isn’t definitively saying they don’t, but also isn’t saying that they do. You can assume the worst if you like, but that doesn’t mean the worst is actually true.

    Is it possible this type of spying exists? Yes. Is it possible this is a cover up? Yes. Do we have actual data to support that? No.

    Tomorrow an investigation may reveal otherwise, but for now it doesn’t seem to be the case.

  • In some ways the Board being the same is a good thing, since it means they remember that they can’t try to pull this shit again.

    Of course it also means they had (or supported) the stupid idea, so they’ll probably try to pull something similar again.

    Really no matter what it means keep an extra eye on Unity. When it comes time to evaluate engines this incident should always show up on the con side.

  • To extend this a little further, computers also don’t actually store books, they store blocks.

    For example, you have a computer that can store 50 blocks of information. You store “Moby Dick”, taking up 20 blocks & “Tom Sawyer”, taking another 20 blocks.

    Next you decide you don’t like “Moby Dick”, so you delete it. You also decide you want to store an ice cream menu, taking up just 1 block.

    That menu will be stored based on where the computer thinks the block fits best. So you might have 20 blocks that still contain “Moby Dick”, or you might have only 19 blocks that contain most of “Moby Dick”, but it might be missing the beginning, middle or end.

    If I were doing data recovery I might not be able to provide you with the complete “Moby Dick” story. I might only be able to give you part of it.

    Looking into why blocks, let’s say you’re writing up the first draft of a book report, it might take up 4 blocks. Then later you edit, improve and add to that that book report, and now it takes 5 blocks. The computer took care of making space, even though your report got larger. It didn’t know if you were going to add 1 new block of information, or 1000 new blocks of information, it figured it out and did the rearranging for you.

    However when it comes time for you to look at it, it automatically knows how to put it together. (And usually it does group things together if it can).

    This is important to keep in mind when it comes to data recovery because the more you use your computer the more likely blocks are allocated and data gets moved around.

    If you delete important photos, then spend the weekend surfing the Internet, those photos might be gone. Or if they are available, might only be partially available.

  • Re Concentration I’m not concerned that it is as of yet a problem. However I do think it is also a larger problem for Mastodon and other user-centric platforms than it is to Lemmy and other community-cetric platforms.

    If a Mastodon user wants to leave their server there are migration pains. If your server makes a controversial change, you may have to migrate. As a follower if something goes wrong I have to remember that I was following Ada & Bob, but maybe Bob now goes by Bobby.

    However as a Lemmy user I can just abandon my server and be done with it. If my server makes a controversial change, I can just leave. As a community follower can watch as Star Trek Memes becomes Risa, or Risa becomes Ten Forward. The names changed completely but it’s easy to find my community again.

  • I use flat case most of the time, but I also try to stick to single word files so there is no case to get in the way.

    I think for documents I might share like a PDF I’d use Pascal case.

    In a classroom or teaching setting I will sometimes use Kebab case as I find it is the least confusing and makes it extra clear where the word division is. Similarly I avoid Dot notation since it’s confusing for folks coming from a Windows world.

    And I would avoid Screaming because that’s just too loud anywhere.

  • Sure Reddit and Lemmy are different technical stacks, but neither is doing anything particularly unique or complicated.

    If Reddit wanted to federate it could. It would take some work but it would be an achievable task in a reasonable amount of time.

    Perhaps scaling or stability issues. I’m not sure the Fediverse is ready to handle the number of actions a site like Reddit handles. Then again I’m not super well versed on that part of the Lemmy software, so maybe it would be fine.

  • I’ve not read the books and after watching part 1 I was left confused why everyone loved them. I didn’t dislike the film, it was just fine, but it didn’t get me excited for part 2. Sure I’d watch it, but if it were delayed or cancelled I wouldn’t have minded.

    For me part 2 is everything I wanted in a film. I would nearly go so far to tell someone unsure about the films to skip part 1 and just watch part 2. In reality I think doing that would be a bad idea, but part 2 is better than part 1 in nearly every way.

  • Is the problem account making or data having persistence/backups?

    Or is the issue having an account on service A, service A dieing and then when you create an account on service B you have to start over again, so we need to improve account portability?

    I guess I also wonder… Is that a real problem for Lemmy? For Mastodon where you follow users sure, but does anyone care about their Lemmy account?

  • The Matrix is actually an interesting thing if I recall correctly.

    The Wachowskis really wanted to tell a huge story, they had so many ideas and multiple sequels across many mediums.

    They had funding issues, or there was little confidence the film would be a success, so the very ending of the first Matrix is just sorta tacked on.

    Neo in the phone booth telling the machines he’s about to change everything as he just flys away, completely breaking their reality. It’s a “and they all lived happily ever after” ending.

    Of course The Matrix was then hugely successful.

    So now the Wachowskis get to tell the story they intend, hell they get to do pretty much whatever they want.

    As a result Neo is weirdly much less of a badass (but still badass) as he sort of finds himself during the events of Matrix Reloaded.

    But if course I bring this all up because the Wachowskis did get to make all the things they wanted. Reloaded & Revolutions were at least part of the story. The Animatrix and other shorts, part of the story. The multimedia continuation of the story where you could jump into a video game to see part of the story, or into a an MMO and live in the Matrix.

    The Matrix was always envisioned as this huge thing. It just turned out that having the idea and executing on that idea is hard. The films didn’t quite live up to expectations (still good mind you, but a step down). Part of the films “missing” with the idea that it would be something you can experience in a video game. The story continuing on in an MMO that took a while to launch and then had major issues.

    Which is all to say sometimes even with good intentions and ideas, it’s just difficult to get an idea perfectly onto screen.