I have it through ASPCA and it’s been a god send. Not having to worry about any tests or procedures, just being able to say “yes! What ever she needs, do it!!” My kitty had some pretty serious health issues, so I really used it.
$10k per year for $70 a month, plus all the preventative stuff like dental cleanings and shots.
I pay full cost and they reimburse 90%. I haven’t had any claims rejected; rx food, labs, meds, eye doctor, fucking cat acupuncturist.
I can’t imagine the heart break of having to just put your beloved down because of the cost of life saving procedures.
Aww, I miss catsinwaterbottlepackages from the before times.
I guess that’s kind of a big ca… oh… oh my.
Melon is a good communicator.
There is a part in Trevor Noah’s autobiography- born a crime- which is about growing up in apartheid South Africa, where his dad has a restaurant that is special because it has the permits to serve all races: Black, white, “coloured” and “Chinese” aka “none of the above.” It was very unusual, most places were only for one race.
But the officials got tired of having an unsegregated restaurant so they decreed that even if a place had a permit serve all races together, the bathrooms still had to be segregated.
Not having space in the restaurant for eight separate restrooms, he closed up shop.
The cat is a stapler.