When you live an hour away from the nearest hospital for some reason everything you decide to do with your free time happens to be incredibly dangerous lol
You have to tamper with the pressure release safety valves and provide a secondary flame unless you are using some bougie incendiary ammo (and even those aren’t a guarantee to ignite something like propane on its own).
We used to blow up the normal sized ones like for your the backyard grill. We would fill the pressure release with valve with JB weld and then toss it into a bonfire and shoot it from like 500 feet away lol.
I have also read that exact same study lol. If it turns out it’s deadly I guess I’ll see you in the afterlife soon haha
I can fold my ears in on themselves and they will stay that way until I smile.
Basically my ears are just super soft because I was always playing with them as a kid so the cartridge never really hardened up like it did for most other people.
As I have gotten older and played with my ears less they don’t stay folded as long but I can still do it.
I can do this as well. Every single girlfriend I have had in my life absolutely hated it. I don’t even notice myself doing it sometimes.
After 9/11 all flights were grounded for 3 days. Because there were no planes flying around over the US constantly for the first time in a long time they were able to observe insane drops in air pollution all across the US.
When the stay at home order kicked in at the start of COVID and practically every car in the US stopped driving around we noticed a similar drop in air particulate buildup in the air all across the nation.
The issue isn’t that the wind doesn’t blow it around and it eventually settles out of the sky into our drinking water or whatever. It’s always doing that. The problem is we are just also continuously producing the pollution.
I don’t think we need to go full dark ages and stop all planes and cars, but I do think it would be nice to work towards less planes and cars or at the very least less pollution producing vehicles. I think short range domestic flights should all be electric planes maybe they can figure out how to get solar panels all over the wings and battery tech will get to the point where one day they can fly across the oceans on battery as well.
Now it’s not all bad news. We have already gotten SO much better about these things in the past ~80 years alone. The smog in major cities back in the 50s was horrible.
Heres a snippet of this article: https://aqli.epic.uchicago.edu/news/the-origin-story-of-the-air-quality-index-and-the-toxic-smaze-that-came-before-it/#%3A~%3Atext=In+the+1950s%2C+a+toxic%2CDaily+News+Archive%2FGetty+Images]
“In the 1950s, a toxic shroud of pollution settled over New York City for six days as a shift in the weather trapped emissions from local coal power plants, factories, and cars. Some people called it “smaze,” a portmanteau of smoke and haze; the word smog hadn’t been fully popularized yet. After pollution levels spiked, dozens of people died. The same thing happened in 1963 and 1966.”
Hey but he offered full discretion. What a gentleman haha
I used to live in a wood burning house growing up. Unfortunately someone has to get up and stoke the fire a bit before people wanna get up in order for the house to be warm in the morning.
A long time ago I worked from ~10pm to ~6am. I would wake up at 9pm and inhale some food before taking off. When I got home I would eat my “dinner” and then see everyone else waking up to start their day. I would typically hang out and take care of human existence stuff until like 1pm at which point I would go to sleep.
I was single and living with family at the time so it didn’t mess up my social plans too often since my gamer buddies all kept terrible hours anyways so on my days off I would just play all through the night with them.
I actually prefer being awake while most of the world sleeps. I find it oddly comfortable knowing most people aren’t out and about. It almost feels like a weight off my consciousness at night.
But if you require social planning flexibility having flipped sleeping hours with the rest of the world can be a really big problem.
Set your heater to kick on an hour before you get up. You get to sleep cozy in the cold and then wake up to a room where it isn’t painful to accidentally touch something metal lol.
I mean nothing super serious had come of it. The “hard R” incident was the funniest fucking thing ever. Luke’s face was one of pure panic as he thought everything was blowing up right in his face.
Our government took 3 billion dollars of our tax money to bolster our Internet infrastructure.
That was like 12 years ago. The money just vanished and they went “oops”. God I wish we had fiber everywhere.
I used to have fiber but now I’m on lowly copper gigabit lol
Well that’s cheating. Easy to brag about internet speeds when you live inside of a data center lol.
That reminds me of an article from a few years back of this old woman in I wanna say Switzerland as well that at the time had the “fastest internet in the world”. She said she used it to look up gardening tips lol.
I hope she had a dope garden.
I paid for gigabit I’m gonna use the whole gigabit lol
I mean if it’s things you can go get again why not party hard and just use RAID0?
Im just kidding that’s such a pain in the ass if anything breaks.
This is why we use RAID6 and not RAID5
I give thumbs up all the time. Usually two of them at the same time with a forced smile to let people know I wanna turn into oncoming traffic every day.
I remember when they said “players should get used to not owning their games”.
Well Ubisoft. You should get used to not getting a penny outta me forever.