I have wondered about that kind of thing. But 13 plots of land is going to cost you a huge amount, at that point you can buy a house.
I have wondered about that kind of thing. But 13 plots of land is going to cost you a huge amount, at that point you can buy a house.
Building it here should be fine because of how small it is, would almost certainly be seen as a temporary structure and classed as similar to a garden shed. The problem is you cannot legally live in something like that.
Health code isn’t likely to be an issue in the UK as I don’t think we have anything overly strict that would matter. Environmental health exists but that is more of a concern if you are leaving a pile of waste that is attracting rats to the extent its causing a problem to other people. Been to events that use a shit pit before. Some you shit straight into the pit and others collect it into a septic tank and dump that into a pit later while marking a fence post near the pit to avoid digging in the same location next year. Does make me wonder how long it takes to rot down, 100-200 peoples shit from a whole weekend dumped into a pit and buried.
Then again maybe it isn’t allowed and we were just doing it anyway.
In the UK this option is still illegal as you need permission from the council to live on your own land. I guess it’s sorta similar to zones in the US? You can only stay on your land for 28 days of the year otherwise. You could probably manage a while before you get found but they can demolish anything you build there and seize the property.
When the revolution happens I know where I will be heading.
While I have a basic understanding of using magnets and wires for motors/generators, I think an easier option would instead be a Van de Graaff generator.
Then probably get executed for witchcraft or just ignored as a lunatic for speaking in a strange foreign tongue.
I had to transfer files over Bluetooth to a Windows PC. Fuck that is terrible compared to doing it on my Linux PC.
Fun stats from where I live, 25% of households have zero vehicles in my area. Nearer the centre of town it rises to the majority of households. The rich area of town most have multiple and only 2% don’t have one.
Is it some puritanical thing where some people utterly hate anything even vaguely related to gambling? I have heard comments about it a few times before but never really bothered asking more about it. Mostly when I was younger and I didn’t really have any respect for religious beliefs when I was 10. Just saw them as weird.
The energy use to use the models is usually pretty low, its training that uses more. So once its made it doesn’t really make any sense to stop using it. I can run several Deepseek models on my own PC and even on CPU instead of GPU it outputs faster than you can read.
I have to wonder if some people don’t understand how card games work. Do they think if the game contains an ace of spades it must be gambling? Most card games don’t involve gambling at all and even those that do don’t have to use actual currency. Do kids not play card games and bet with matchsticks anymore?
I would think it depends on the project
Not for more than 28 days of the year. Non-consecutive isn’t a way around that. People have tried and some do get away with it but others get caught and usually any structure has to be demolished and land seized.
Realistically 29 days no one is going to bother you about it but when its clear you are living there that is when they will most likely turn up.
It is illegal to do so. You cannot live on your own land for more than 28 days of the year unless they give you permission to live on it. Which of course a house comes with that permission, a patch of woodland does not.
The government is the only one stopping me from buying a small patch of woodland and building a cabin there to live in. Get rid of that and suddenly I no longer have a reason to work more than a handful of hours a month.
Better: I live near the sea so I can easily cycle to the sea for a swim in my lunch break. My PC is a lot better than the one my dad had at the time and relative to inflation costs a lot less, even without inflation it isn’t that much more. Worse: Pretty much every other way. I guess my job is safer but we both have to work while my mum didn’t have to work. We don’t have kids either.
Mine has simple capacitive controls. Turn it on, higher number is more hotter. Very simple.
Apparently it has other features, not bothered with them.
Which most people don’t. Also I could buy a portable gas burner suitable for a wok and gas canister for less than the standing charge of gas for a year. Unless you are using a wok extremely often its not worth it.
I don’t have a wok, high temperature cooking would be nice for a few things like searing steak though. But that can be done over a BBQ. Kinda want to try heating a cast iron griddle when the coals are still orange hot and searing steak on that. Although steak isn’t something I cook very often partly because its really expensive. Presumably a fair bit less cooking time than the packaging recommends. I guess get the iron hot enough for the leidenfrost effect to start and then cook until nicely brown on each side and then take off the heat? With hot charcoal that would probably be something like 30-60 seconds each side.
People can use email without having to setup their own mail server.
Just send it through SSH?
You absolutely can make wire with just forging techniques. Not sure how far back, but a celtic torc can be made with many thin strands of metal, this sort of thing is more likely a question of how many 1000s of years ago were they able to.