• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Kongar@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoLinux@lemmy.mlGoldilocks distro?
    8 days ago

    For me I find endeavoros to be the goat. I realized that when I install arch and then the “essentials” for me - I basically recreated what endeavor does. Except endeavor does it with like three clicks on the installer. So now I just install endeavor. Gnome, nvidia drivers, pacdiff and meld, text editor, yay, you get the idea…. No bloat, no bs, quick install with exactly what I would do manually with arch.

    I also know this take is controversial-but I like flatpaks as well. Sometimes you gotta mess with flatseal, and sometimes the AUR package is clearly superior. But they usually get the job done well.

    It’s nearly impossible to break arch if you use the AUR as little as possible AND read the arch homepage for manual steps BEFORE doing an upgrade.

    • I walked around with a ruptured appendix for weeks without knowing it. In my case, the pain was very minimal (not normal)
    • there was so much raw sewage in my abdomen, they decided to gut me from my pelvis to my sternum, take everything out, and powerwash me
    • there was a problem with the hospital pharmacy. I woke up in the ICU with zero pain meds and my nurse screaming murder at the pharmacy tech over the phone. “For the love of god he’s up, I need that morphine RIGHT FUCKING NOW”
    • don’t know how long it took, but that was pure hell.
    • then I got full bowel blockage, multiple times, throwing up and all, with my stomach cut in two trying to heal. Surprisingly the blockage was almost as painful as the unmedicated seppoku I experienced.

    Take my upvote for bowel pain being horrific.

    Another data point. I also literally broke my back from a fall on the ice. If bowel pain was a 10, I’d put breaking my back at about a 6.

  • Kongar@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlWhat is your "I could have been rich" story?
    24 days ago

    In 2010 I built a new computer. I was interested in bitcoin from a “this is technically neat” category. I set it up and was able to mine dozens of coins per day.

    I did. It was all set up and working. But it generated a lot of heat in my upstairs So. Cal. Apartment. So I stopped. Just deleted the coins because they were pretty worthless then.

    I don’t get too upset though because I never would have held them to $50k each. I would have sold them for a buck each.

    But I “could have” if it wasn’t so hot out. ;)

  • That’s the neat part - it doesn’t flip either. It’s your mind playing tricks on you.

    Left and right, and the act of turning around are so common to you - that when you look at your reflection in the mirror, your brain expects that image to have turned around 180 degrees either left or right. Since that didn’t happen you think it’s “flipped”. But it’s not - your EXPECTATION is that it should be flipped.

    Here’s another way to think about it. If it was common for us as humans to turn around by doing a handstand to look backwards - then you’d be complaining “why do mirrors flip up and down but not left and right?” But because that’s ridiculous and we don’t do that - you have no expectations that your mirror image should be standing on its head.

    Trippy right? :)

  • Moved across country for a job. Super high market to one less crazy. Had to do stupid things to buy into the first market, recouped that money and reinvested it back into my retirement (where it belonged) when we moved back. Decided to have some fun as well. “Leftover” in terms of housing money is where that term slipped out from.

    It was insane $ for me ;) But it was something I wanted for almost 30 years and couldn’t afford. It’s insane what you can spend on stereo equipment. My wife and I both drove cars until they broke, 14 and 15 years, both over 350k miles. Some people buy sports cars - we chose a stereo ;)

    • Emotiva 5x200w modular amp
    • Marantz pre pro
    • Ascend acoustics towersx2 up front, sierra2’sx2 rears, horizonx1 center
    • Pair of Rhythmik sealed 15’s, with integrated amps 600W each
    • Misc. stuff - blue ray player and whatnot.

    I really like the ascend stuff. Most of my audiophile friends can’t believe the bang for the buck. Tough purchase though - internet only. No easy way to demo unless you find someone in their forums willing to invite you over (which I’ve done).

    I also really like the Rythmik subs, but only as a pair.

    I hate my marantz. That’ll get replaced soon. I’ve got my eye on Anthem’s gear.

    Amp is fine.

  • My most irresponsible purchase was definitely a high end stereo system. I got into it in college after hearing some amazing rigs. It’s the irresponsible thing I’ve always wanted but really couldn’t afford (starting life, marriage, kids, school bills, etc.). Eventually we had saved enough where we had some $ leftover after getting lucky timing things in the housing market.

    I begged my wife like a kid begs his mom in a toy store (I’m not proud). She didn’t get it, but was all “do it if you want it that bad.” It. Is. Awesome. It has gotten used everyday for like 7 years now. My wife has even become a big fan - she “gets it now, this is awesome”

    I have to pry her music away from it to play mine! :) My kid’s friends like to come over our house and hang out watching movies and listening to music on it. Totally frivolous and way too much money - but no single thing has brought people together quite like awesome music.

    100% would do it again.

  • I have secure boot and tpm disabled on my rig. I’ve been called a fool for this. But I don’t understand how it works, and this is an example.

    If I was smart enough to code a new OS or a new boot loader (which I’m not) - how does it become different than a virus? Who approves my code is “safe” to run?

    Clearly in this case Microsoft said “those versions of grub are not safe.” So what does that mean? I’m not allowed to run them now because Microsoft decided? That’s all it takes? The whole “what’s safe to run” thing baffles me.

    Am I supposed to believe that a govt agency like the nsa could NEVER put malicious backdoors into Microsoft’s products, that Microsoft would NEVER allow that to happen, and that code would NEVER be flagged as safe?

    I get it…. It helps with obvious viruses and whatnot. But in my experience, all secure boot has ever done for me is cause problems and lock me out of my computer.

  • I never “switched” in the sense that yesterday I was windows and today I am linux.

    It just happened. I’ve always had some distro or other running on another drive or partition. This includes things like os2 warp that weren’t linux.

    But about 4 or so years ago, my games were playable easily on steam, I was able to find Linux packages for work stuff (like teams), and things just generally behaved with no hassle (up until then things worked but they came with hassles).

    Meanwhile, windows became a hassle. Microsoft borked my windows install because it forced their crappy store onto a game (literally trashed my installation ver clicking “install”), every time I turned the pc on I was faced with an update and restart, some of those updates failed (one of them still doesn’t work) - how does an OS update become so poor quality - it’s an OS update, and general enshitification such as ads, nags, and crappy OS design with the clicks…

    I just found myself not wanting to use windows, and wanting to use Linux. It happened over time. The last time I logged into windows was three or four months ago just to update the install and keep it fresh. It was a painful 1/2 hour and I’m dreading going back.

    EndeavorOS Gnome, light use of the AUR, heavy flatpak use.

  • Kongar@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoLinux@lemmy.mlQustions
    1 month ago
    1. there are things called gnome extensions that change things up.
    2. it’s just that a lot of laptops are potatoes with wierd hardware and drivers aren’t always available. If you have a popular laptop you’ll have better luck. Can’t predict how it’ll go other than goggling your laptop and seeing if you can find a post saying what worked and didn’t. Can’t hurt to try either way…
    3. yes. There are plenty with installed apps. Hard to believe you didn’t find any music or video players. Either way - doesn’t matter. Install VLC and it plays everything.
    4. most Linux distributions will let you delete Linux itself if you’re so inclined. My vote is to just leave the default programs that install with the distro unless you’re in need of an absolute bare bones system/size (which it doesn’t sound like you are)
    5. root is a user, nothing more. If you don’t know why you’re using root, then don’t. Based on your questions, I’d say you can do everything you need as a normal user with sudo privileges.
    6. to be honest I’ve never actually done this. I believe you can even install multiples at once and switch between them. Most distros come with a choice of DE during install. Check them out in a vm and just install the one you want. If you’re hell bent on swapping on an existing install, best read a guide on how to do it for your distro.
    7. this isn’t exactly right, but docker is kind of like virtual machines. Not quite full on VMs, but rather they are called containers. You can download a docker image, and fire up say, a pihole server. Or in my case, I run a preconfigured ubiquity WiFi controller. Don’t worry about these for now - it’s a later thing. Wayland is replacing X. Some distros use it, some don’t. X is very old - it’s stable and doesn’t get updates and just works. Until it doesn’t because it’s old and doesn’t get updates. Enter Wayland. New things of that complexity are hard to make so there’s bugs with it. Works for some people, not for others. Go watch some YouTube videos on the topic - it’s interesting.

    Good luck!

  • Single person’s data point:

    I’ve had numerous gpus-I’ve been all over the map for years. Sometimes amd sucks, sometimes nvidia sucks. Right now, I’m rocking a 4090 and it’s working better in endeavoros than I’ve ever seen nvidia work in linux. (I’ve always had problems with nvidia cards screen tearing, stuttering, and general installation issues).

    But honestly, those complaints have been resolved at least with my distro. I think both brands are in a good spot right now. I think you’re safe to buy whatever floats your boat.


  • It varies a lot for people, and the bills you actually pay depend on a lot of things. It’s complicated here.

    I would say I’m the average “I have healthcare through work” person. But that’s not average for the population (many people have no healthcare).

    I pay about $600 a month for a plan that lets me go to any doctor (called a ppo). If I wanted a cheaper monthly bill, I could get on board with the plan where you have to go to the doctors and facilities that are “in the insurers network”. I’ve had problems with these plans as they’ve become more and more run by the insurers than actual doctors - leading to shoddy care. So $600 a month for my family it is.

    I did require major surgery about 10 years ago. I was in the hospital for a month and had a million office visits. The grand total “bill” was just over a half million dollars. My portion of that was about $10,000. It was crazy to look at the itemized bill though. Two Advils cost like $50. An X-ray? Like $1000. But that’s like this this fucky-fuck game insurers and providers play with each other. Sometimes people are flat broke, and the hospitals still have to care for them if they wander into the ER - and they get paid nothing. It’s a weird system.

    If you don’t have health insurance-you’re kind of in trouble. Interestingly, those $1000 X-rays become $200 if you’re uninsured. Definitely more manageable-but you’d be screwed if you required major surgery. You’d be bankrupt.

    Basically it’s very American-it works great for people doing well in life - screw everyone else less fortunate- get a job…

  • Ya I mean it’s hard to meet people if they aren’t around. I don’t know what “the middle of nowhere means”. Some people really do live where there just aren’t people around. But lots of people use that phrase when places of gathering are half an hour or maybe an hour away. I’d suggest it’s still worth the drive if you can figure that out.

    I was suggesting targeting type things, not necessarily just guns - because they tend to have low barriers of entry. Pool, bowling, archery, darts, etc. They also tend to have social components as well (happens in a bar for example, or there’s a club house/place where people meet). Leads to other things. Sports are also great - even if you’re not athletic and bad at sports. Especially the “weird” sports - you may find something non traditional that you’re good at, and usually people are super happy just to have anyone who wants to participate.

    Just things to think about - that’s all. Find out what people near you do. There’s gotta be something. Then go try it even if it doesn’t sound like your thing. You may like it, you may not. Keep doing that and sooner or later you will find something to be passionate about.

    Meeting people - romantic or otherwise - is a result of you engaging with people and enjoying the thing/hobby/whatever you’re doing together. People who share common things gravitate toward each other personally. That’s just the way it works - embrace it my friend! Go have some fun! ;)