Spanish guy, who likes open source software and has just discovered the fediverse (as of 28th of April, 2022). I like video games, and indie and retro music. I’m a student. I’m officially diagnosed with ADHD and ASD since January, 2023.
Have they added safety features like denying follows yet?
Also, they really need to create apps for all platforms, this would increase their popularity and usability.
Another reason to ditch corporate pages and embrace freedom.
Retro games (console & computer), indie games and open source games for the win, absolutely.
Wow, thanks a lot, Mike, you always have to mess everything up.
I just hope that the IPO backfires, or that users suddenly realise how shitty that webpage is and they leave.
Doom 2 is my most favourite game, being Doom Eternal my second most favourite one. I’ve never played Doom 3, I’ve barely touched Doom 2016, and Doom is meh without the super shotgun or the pain elementals.
Gzdoom is the source port I use to play Doom games. It has lots of configurations, you can use tons of mods, and freelook & no autoaim are a delight.
By the way, I upload regularly Doom 2 videos on my HardLimit (Peertube) channel.
I just hope it’s European.