Music (mainly prog rock) and veggie loving, geeky cat butler living in Hertfordshire UK. A lover of all things LOTR (since I first read it over 50 years ago) scifi and what have you. Ex soldier (Royal Artillery) and other trades ;-)

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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 15th, 2024


  • Radio Paradise have a few streams. Personal favourites are the Rock Mix and for lounging around, reading etc. the Mellow Mix. If you want something a little different then the Global Mix might suit you.
    For general day to day listening then the Main Mix covers just about everything. For me personally, I find there’s too much Beatles and Reggae. I can’t stand them. But YMMV.

    Although Spotify has some excellent prog playlists, that sodding AI thing pisses me right off (although there may be a way to get rid of that, I’ve got to try it out) I have Amazon Prime so their music service is a bit of a no brainer as it’s cheaper. Not sure if I can tell the difference in audio quality. At 67 and a lifetime of British Army (I was in the Artillery man, play it LOUD!) and working with rock bands, my ears are probably not up to the finer points.
    For rock and prog 24/7 then Morow is your friend.

  • I’ve seen a small woman driving a Hummer in Ware (Hertfordshire UK) of all places, can just about see out of the windows (that’s another thing that pisses me off, don’t people know you can raise the seat to let you see out of the windows?), can’t park in normal bays as it’s too big (and she can’t see) and it has a plate something like V8 HMR. FFS.
