Webdeveloper from Germany, nerd, gamer, atheist, interested in nerd-culture, biology of everything creepy, evolution, history, physics, politics and space.

Progressive. Ally. SocDem. Euro-Federalist.

Political Compass: -7.0, -6.62

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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2024


  • The reasons just don’t necessarily come with any moral take away attached.

    Children get bone cancer for purely physical reasons, yes, but there is no plan behind it, nothing that makes the situation better in any way and this is how the phrase is usually being used. It’s people saying: “Don’t be sad, something good will come of it.” to the faces of grieving parents or deathly ill people who have nothing to look forward to but pain.

    Religious/spiritual proselytising has completely alienated the phrase from the methodological naturalism it could express.

  • The basic law of Cologne:

    §1: Et es wie et es. („It is how it is.“) Look the facts in the eye, you can’t change them.

    $2: Et kütt wie et kütt. („It’ll come as it comes.“) Accept the inevitable, you can’t change fate.

    §3: Et hätt noch emmer joot jejange. („Everything turned out fine in the past.“) What turned out okay yesterday, will still work tomorrow. Situationally: We know it’s shit, but it’s the best we can do with what we have.

    §4: Wat fott es, es fott. („What’s gone is gone.“) Don’t cling to the past.

    §5: Et bliev nix wie et wor. („Nothing ever stays the same.“) Be open to new developments.

  • “Boys will be boys” Oh yes, what deep insight, nicely expresses the lack of parenting that let little Billy here become a FUCKING BULLY that regularly kicks, punches and intimidates other children. Even worse when adults agree that “shitty and violent” is just how boys are, you know boys will be boys.

    Well done being a role model guys, not only does that excuse the bully, it openly communicates to the victim that 1) he’s allowed to be like that, 2) they should be bullies too and 3) nobody has any intention of actually helping them and changing the situation.

    And then you make them shake hands afterwards and both have to apologize, the bully and his victim.

    GRRRRRRRRR makes me so angry! Complete abdication of your responsibility to actually parent your little monster.

  • Completely off-topic:

    Did not anticipate how hard “We’re going on an adventure” would hit me with feelings of horror after reading “Children of Ruin”. Good work Tchaikovsky. Holy shit that mix of possession and zombie-horror with perfectly natural explanations in a hard scifi scenario really did a job on me, even years after finishing the book.

  • Meh, one of my pots came pre-seasoned and I just started using it as if I’d seasoned it myself, after the first couple of weeks of simply using it, it now has the exact same surface as everything I seasoned myself, because every time you fry something in it, it just improves the seasoning.


    I mean I’m happy I know how to season my stuff, but if it lowers the entry-barrier to cast iron I think it’s worth it.

  • I can only tell you about my experience, I’ve made the switch half a year ago.

    Cast iron is heavy, REALLY HEAVY and comparably more expensive than cheap non-stick pans. It’s a hassle to work with because it’s so heavy, no easy flipping stuff by throwing the pan around (inertia is a bitch), you shouldn’t clean it with soap, just hot water and some elbow-grease and you should always keep is slightly oiled. Oh and there is no “the handle doesn’t get hot”, it always does and you should wrap a cloth around it.

    But Oh My Goodness!

    I’ve needed some tries to get the seasoning right, needed some time to adjust my cooking as to not leave acidic food in the pan or pot over night, but now that my pan and pot are very well seasoned and I know how to handle them… nothing sticks, at least not for long. I can make a fried egg or some bacon and after sticking for the first few seconds it just… lift’s off the surface and moves freely in the pan. No non-stick pan has ever given me a non-stick experience like this and making steak has become one of my most fun experiences, because the pan keeps its heat when I throw the cold slap of meat into it and evenly browns the beef without any sticking.

    Absolute game changer. just don’t heat an empty pan too much, because you can burn the seasoning off again.