You posted the same “meme” yesterday and it has not gotten any better since then
You posted the same “meme” yesterday and it has not gotten any better since then
I googled “black vikings hystorical evidence” and clicked the first link.
Which is also funny because that leads directly to a lot of mental problems for these men.
I see a change is this trend, but a lot of damage has already been done and it will take quite a while to recover from this.
Men are often expected to swallow their emotions and just “function”, while women are allowed and even encouraged to display them openly
Works like a charm to expose the fakers.
Every. Single. Time. :)
Vote Blue no matter who
THEN we can think about changing something. Cant run if you never learned to walk after all…
“like being nude”
Im tipping my hat to the creator for predicting the near future if a beloved character who is now open for public use. They saw the opportunity and grabbed it firmly
What does “plug” mean in this context?
You can be white and Muslim.
Not the typical media portrait, but certainly common in the real world
Religion of Peace strikes again.
With rocks most likely.
Nah, this time its the conservatives / nazis (CxU, AfD) wanting to cancel the new law that will greatly help a lot of people.
So yea, Consevatives being evil again. Shocking, I know.
The FDP is in on the legalisation. I suspect they eye profits and deregulation along the way. But yea, otherwise the FDP is the one doing the sabotage, this time is just the exception.
Seeing these hits rights in the nostalgia, damn
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I bet they are all bots.
The GOP in regards to Putin
I find the quantification of very emotional topics not very helpfull in the long run:
What counts as “10% better”?
Do you know if the number, should it even exist, stays consistent? Or that you got the “correct one”?
My advice:
Find out what you seek out in a relathionship, what you want to avoid, and then talk about it.
Because “10% better” could just mean the other guy is driving more carefull with the family-car, doesnt chew with an open mouth or shaves more often.
Boomers like their lawm more then Revolution
And it shows
Buy a plunger before you need one.
Barely a day passes without you sharing some, for good reasons, heavily disliked stuff about “bOtH sIdEs” being bad.
I know a lot because you are clogging the feed…