Here from Reddit–might stay a while.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Donebrach@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldSteam
    14 days ago

    I heard a tale that that woman was not an actor but in fact some local resident who was waylaid by the filming of that scene so she was compensated by getting to deliver that line. No idea of the validity but an interesting tidbit if true.

  • The “I hate the sound of my voice” refrain is the most annoying shit I hear and honestly think most people who vocalize that thought are just acting out their own internalized script of how to not appear self-centered (while actually being incredibly self-centered). Your voice sounds the exact same to everyone else coming out of your fish-hole as it does coming out a speaker.

    Edit: I’m not saying that your perceived own voice doesn’t sound different to you when speaking versus when played back initially but after years of doing recorded voice work I can say—you get used to it pretty quickly and the differences kinda blend away into a wash of “that is how I sound.” That is why I find that common refrain to be annoying.

    Anyway, no one listening to a recording of you thinks “oh they sound weird.”

  • Neir: Automata and Nier: Replicant were on a steam sale recently and I picked them up.

    Automata had been on my radar for a while and I assumed it was just one of those annoyingly difficult souls-likes throw the controller at the wall type games that also (feat.) a Waifu—color me surprised with how in-depth and bizarre the world building and game design was.

    Replicant had its issues but the remake was equally fantastic.

    Both were wonderful surprises. Considering you just got a steam deck I’d say get both.