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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Funny to see this here, I actually played this last night for the first time in a year. I have a friend who is a diehard and wanted to play so I finally gave in as he’s played helldiver’s with me a number of times recently.

    Anywho, the game is still unoptimized and buggy as shit. We did some new mission where you fly to the same base you’ve seen 5k times and take an elevator underground then you attempt to upload data while servers are overheating for some reason, and NPCs randomly spawn in elevators. Glitched out getting on the elevator and fell through the floor, adds spawning in elevators would just sit there and do nothing staring at the wall until you shot them. Got killed once, did not respawn in the ship as I had tied my identity to the bed - instead spawned back at my origin base - later found my dead body under the med bed in the ship. Enemy NPCs rubber banging all over the place, so we’re my buddy and I the net code clearly has major issues. Tried to pickup a container at one point and for some reason that injured me. The inventory system to loot guys is difficult to use / buggy as all hell. The same terrible interaction system where you hold F and use mouse to interact with things is ridiculously janky. The star navigation system is the same broke crap I remember from years ago, you can never smoothly set destination or even find the destination you want to go for. They’ve changed the flight controls for the 578th time for no reason. NPCs in my home spawn were walking into walls and glitching on stairs. I could go on.

    Still no news on Squadron 42, still no firm release date, no new significant content in years (except ship sales!!!), pyro still not playable for non bootlickers, no jump gates, all the ground bases look exactly the same, no compelling gameplay loops you shoot shit in space jousting or you go to one of 700 identical basses on the ground to pickup boxes or shoot laggy NPCs. There is no “game” here it drives like crap for a project over a decade in the making with that much money wasted. I have no idea why people are still “playing” it, and no idea why so many continue to throw money at it.