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Cake day: October 3rd, 2023


  • His mom is in assisted living, not a nursing home. My mom is also in assisted living. She’s got a stove in her apartment, she can cook her own meals if she wants to! Until recently, she could drive herself to Walmart if she felt like it. She has decorated her apartment in her own style because–get this–it’s her home!!

    Plus he hasn’t said one thing about pointing a camera at his mother’s bathroom!

    It is her home. How disheartening to see you think it isn’t.

  • I do not know where I got this from, but I thought all dogs were male and all cats were female. I thought this while I had a dog named Betsy and a cat named Sebastian.

    If that’s not bad enough on its own, I think I was in first or second grade when I learned the surprising truth. I wasn’t a dumb kid, either. I learned to read when I was about 3.5 yrs old and started 1st grade as a 5 yr old.

    I’m now in my 70s and I still can’t figure out where I got that from!

  • Are you living life on your own and making it ok? Are the voices/conversations interfering with what you want or need to do? Are they interfering with your relationships?

    That’s a lot of questions, but my nephew would have answered No to the first question and Yes to the others. He’s a diagnosed schizophrenic, and I’m telling you about him because getting on meds turned his life around. He’s working now, has an apartment and is maintaining relationships.

    I know it’s frightening, but you’ve had two doctors diagnose you. It might be worth trying the meds. Ask if there are programs that can help you pay.

    I hope things work out for you.

  • That’s a terrible thing to be considered normal. Those students were on break, on vacation. I didn’t do work for my job when I was on vacation! I hate cheating, but I hate that you made them take an exam on break even more.

    Edit: “Class, I see some of you did not understand the way I require work to be shown. For this reason, I will reteach my requirements. Those of you who did not understand will be given an opportunity to retake the exam.”

  • It really depends on your level of tolerance. I recommend really developing tolerance for “things out of place” and learn not to confuse that with “dirty house.”

    Put some baskets out to round up toys. Involve your children in picking up. If they are old enough to pick a toy up, they’re old enough to put it in the basket. But remember, toys strewn about are the sign of children who love to play, so don’t let it stress you!

    Do what my mom recommended: Give your house a lick and a promise! Keep floors and surfaces reasonably clear, dust at eye level and down when you have time, dust mop the floors as often as you can. Keep Lysol wipes in the bathroom and wipe the lavatory, counters and toilet daily. Those are the areas your children will come in contact with daily, so those are the areas you try to get to. Wash dishes as you go and let them drip dry…I frequently used drip dried dishes without them ever getting put away between meals! And don’t stress! Kids really read our moods and it’s better they have a relaxed happy momma than a spotless house.

    As your kids get older, normalize their participation in keeping their living space clean.

    Here is the most important and vital advice I have to give: People before things. People, even little ones, always come first. Tend to your babies and enjoy them and their little messes! I am 71 so my children are grown. They do not talk about how our ceiling fans were dusty. They talk about how I would get down on the floor and play with them, how I read to them, how I let them use couch cushions, tables, chairs and blankets to build forts.

    You’re in the thick of it right now, so it probably feels like this stage of your life will last forever. The days are long, but the years are short. They will be grown in a blink of your eye, so don’t miss their childhood. That ceiling fan can wait!