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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • I think they’ll get away with it because they’re deliberately marketing it the way so many similar movies are managed: formulaically for kids, but with some actors and writing meant to give ‘the adults’ something to watch too. Unfortunately, ‘the adults’ are almost always assumed to have only a passing familiarity with the subject material, and I have a feeling they’re going to write the ‘for the adults in the room’ jokes with that assumption in mind.

    It feels like it’s being written on an outdated manual, ignoring the fact that there’s a very sizable core audience of 20 and 30-somethings they could tap into. My guess is that everything they tried only tested well with children in focus groups, since apparently they were dead-set on a live-action format from the very beginning. I hate to be so cynical, but it’s possible they decided to go all-in on kids because they can hit the appeal without worrying as much on the production standards.

  • Driving is more fun when there are more viable alternatives. I don’t like driving, but it’s my only real choice where I live so I do it begrudgingly, and you have to share the road with me. Think of all the people who don’t want to drive (on account of it being dangerous, costly and/or mentally taxing) suddenly not being in cars, and how much traffic that would free up for you to zip around instead!

    Also, calling a public service “bankrupt” is really weird to me. How many tax dollars are we spending on public highways and freeways again? Do suburbs, which are designed to be car-dependent, provide a net gain or net cost in tax revenue to cities?

  • It’s for kids, and maybe their parents who are only vaguely familiar with the source material. If you reframe the trailer by the amount of hype it would generate in a 6-14 year old who likes Minecraft (the same kind of kid who maybe grew up watching questionable Minecraft content on YouTube Kids unsupervised), it seems to fit the bill. Funny llama making funny face while a thing happens! How funny!

    I have a sibling who is under 10 years old who is probably going to love this movie and demand to see it once it pops up on an ad (or gets directly recommended by the algorithm due to the amount of views it currently has).

  • tl;dr the signal appears to have been from a cold hydrogen cloud “resonating” off of radiation bursts; namely, those emitted by neutron stars. The stronger the burst through the cloud, the louder the signal on equipment. The WOW! signal appears to have been the result of a particularly powerful event, but by observing the same/similar (?) gas cloud(s), they’ve been able to spot signals with the same signature, albeit weaker due to being hit by less rare (and less powerful) phenomena.

    Some clarification might be needed on whether it’s a specific cloud that produces this signal, or if any cold hydrogen clouds are capable of it. I couldn’t seem to find any in the article itself. Maybe there’s something in the published research paper that provides further information.

  • I mean, bosses input reading my heavy attack to suddenly turn their three move combo into a four move combo 50% of the time feels a bit lame. For instance the dancing lion suddenly going into the spray carousel after it would have exhausted its combo and rested otherwise. My main issue is on the inconsistency.

    Don’t get me wrong, that fight was really fun and I overcame it, but there are many such cases where it feels overtly like the game just threw in the extra attack as a “fuck you” while trying to learn the mechanics. There might be a subtle cue to the boss’s body language I didn’t see but there’s also the issue of the camera in encounters with large enemies.

    On the whole though, as frustrating as it may be at times, often there’s still an underlying pattern. The only fights I think are explicitly unfair are the ones with adds or multiple enemies that add a lot of uncertainty especially if some are off camera. The twin gargoyle fight comes to mind, as does the Godskin duo where you explicitly have to kill both around the same time or the other respawns.

  • >dinner is done
    >announce dinner
    >everyone shows up 10 minutes later

    Some of the food is cold because I didn’t cover it, but why should I? It would have been fine if they came to the table when I announced dinner.

    >next day
    >dinner is almost done
    >remembering yesterday, I decide to announce dinner 10 minutes early so that 10 minutes later is “on time”
    >everyone arrives to the table immediately, remembering that it was cold yesterday not wanting that to happen again