For Harris supporters who oppose 3rd parties: 2 questions.

(1) How will you get the US to stop funding Israeli genocide?;


(2), what are the chances of your proposal(s) succeeding before, say, 2075?

  • DMCMNFIBFFF@lemmy.worldOP
    4 months ago

    So Palestinian-Americans, even those in non-swing states—including California, where I’d almost bet my $200 to anyone’s $20 that that state will go to Harris—should just shut up about Harris being pro-genocide for the next 90 or so hours (as they should have shut up about it for the past few months), and suck it up and vote for and the Democrats, including Harris, and in turn, reasonably assured that she, and other Democrats, from centrists to progressives, will nonetheless surprise us after 5 November and do a 180, or near 180, against Israel.

    Had Gore been elected in 2000, we might not have gotten Iraq or even a 911, but neither would we probably have had an Obama, for better or worse.

    IIUC, much of Carter’s retirement was building houses, giving interviews, writing books, and occasionally hanging out with current and ex- Presidents.

    IIUC, much of Clinton’s retirement was working on his foundations, giving thumbs up to his wife’s career, and Lewinsky looking better over the next 25 or so years.

    Obama has now volunteered to help save Harris’s campaign because she apparently can’t hack it without his or Cheney’s support, particularly with the current senile President saying stupid things and with the almost-as-old Bill Clinton doing almost as badly.

    The truce in Korea was made a year or so after Eisenhower was elected.

    IIUC, Nixon went to China, signed the first SALT treaty with the USSR, and ended American participation in Vietnam with the SVA actually holding off the NVA and VCs for about 2 years.

    Under his Democrat successor, Israel signed a peace deal with a dictatorship, Afghanistan was invaded, Iran turned Islamic and hostages were held for months.

    The Reagan/Bush Presidency ended with the end of the USSR and Warsaw Pact.

    Under Clinton, Belgrade was bombed partially because people focused too much on his sexually exploiting his power imbalance with an intern.

    Yes, Bush’s idiot son created disaster in Afghanistan and Iraq, but disasters continued under Obama, his presidency concluding with the Russian occupation of Crimea, Russia meddling in Donbas with Neo-Nazis serving as America’s proxies, the rise of Islamic State, temporary change in Egypt, and reportedly slave auctions in Libya.

    For all his rhetoric, Trump’s Presidency was perhaps the most pacific Republican Presidency since Hoover—over 90 years ago.

    Biden is elected with a lot of mail-in ballots (a great way for men to control the votes of their wives and girlfriends) and 16 months later, more of Ukraine is invaded. Genocide occurs under his watch, and instead of retiring gracefully as he perhaps should have 9 to 21 months ago, and give Harris a head start, we have a President calling about half of America garbage and this happening in Michigan: Harris Campaign THROWS OUT Muslim Leader From Rally.

    Do you think Liz Cheney or her father, Darth Vader, will oppose the genocide?

    Would you welcome an endorsement of Harris by Dubya Bush?

    but I suspect there’s some realpolitik bullshit and Biden’s traditional outlook on American foreign policy behind that support and maybe there’s a substantive shift after the election.

    I’m sure similar was said in late 1976.

    The 1992 election coincided with Fleetwood Mac (cued). (“Don’t. Stop. Thinking about Tomorrow. Don’t Stop. It’ll soon be here [… oooooo, don’t you look back.]”)

    Ah, those were the days: the fall of the Berlin Wall and that stupid war in Iraq about 2 years past.

    2008: “Yes we can.”

    “A vote for Stein [or West or Oliver] is a vote for Trump.”

    Sorry, you realpolitik-types need to do better.

    So downvote me, like many others are, because I think a vote for Harris is a vote for Trump-lite.

      4 months ago

      Palestinian supporters are free to keep bringing the issue up and I think they should keep building momentum around it. It’s certainly relevant as the genocide is ongoing, nobody said they should “just shut up about it”, BUT given the current situation in American politics right now, it’s fighting for attention with everything else going on. At best, it’s noise that people can easily tune out because Americans are FLOODED with political messaging right now. At worst, some on the Left may even be somewhat dismissive because it’s assumed to be a disingenuous argument being made by bad-faith actors to divide the Left’s vote.

      I realize how heartless this all sounds when people are literally dying by American weapons, but that’s where we’re at. After the election, the dynamic changes and you have less infighting within the Left around protesting about Israel and trying to split the vote and a much better chance of organizing around the issue. Don’t shut up about it, keep the pressure up, but the better time to turn up the heat is after the election.