For Harris supporters who oppose 3rd parties: 2 questions.
(1) How will you get the US to stop funding Israeli genocide?;
(2), what are the chances of your proposal(s) succeeding before, say, 2075?
For Harris supporters who oppose 3rd parties: 2 questions.
(1) How will you get the US to stop funding Israeli genocide?;
(2), what are the chances of your proposal(s) succeeding before, say, 2075?
Your voting system is broken. You can present yourself as a hero who is fighting against the system, but all you are doing is letting someone who will commit more atrocities into power.
Elect Harris. Protest peacefully. Put pressure on her that way.
How much of a margin do you want Harris to have over Trump in California? Should it be like Biden’s and exceed 5 million votes, when even an excess of 1 million votes—or even 100 000 votes—would give her as many Californian Electors?
Okay, as a Californian, which third party candidate do you suggest? Because it ain’t Jill Stein. Which candidate do you support over Harris?