As you’re justification why OP must’ve been in the road instead of the bike lanes they specifically mentioned. It’s nonsense.
You have no argument, you just don’t like people riding bikes because you once saw a guy not following rules on a bike. Give me a break. Why are you here if you only want to defend cars even when the evidence clearly shows the car was at fault? Why are you here if you want to exclusively blame cyclist for every bad thing that a driver does?
You’re trolling.
Basically you’re saying “sometimes cyclist don’t follow traffic rules”
As you’re justification why OP must’ve been in the road instead of the bike lanes they specifically mentioned. It’s nonsense.
You have no argument, you just don’t like people riding bikes because you once saw a guy not following rules on a bike. Give me a break. Why are you here if you only want to defend cars even when the evidence clearly shows the car was at fault? Why are you here if you want to exclusively blame cyclist for every bad thing that a driver does?
You’re trolling. Go home.
Go learn how to stop at a stop sign
I don’t own a bike. I walk and drive.
I see more cars refuse to stop at stop sighns than bikes, so Go learn to stop at stop sighn?
Stop looking for excuses to run a stop sign.
There are no good enough excuses for you to ignore traffic safety.
look, you speak of ignoring traffic safety, but what about those 3 kids you mowed down last week?