A change queued up last week by AMDGPU driver maintainer Alex Deucher will now default to the fullscreen 3D workload profile for discrete GPUs. AMD APUs with integrated graphics will continue to use the default “bootup” power profile but discrete graphics cards will be running in the “fullscreen 3D” power profile by default.
I don’t recall how to check my currently active power profile
cat `find /sys -name pp_power_profile_mode`
Why doesn’t it search /sys/class/drm? Doesn’t follow symlinks?
find -L
if you want it to follow symlinks.I believe it’s
cat /sys/class/drm/card0/device/pp_power_profile_mode
.There’s also the
.Was card1 for some reason despite not having a card0
I just checked myself and it’s card1 too, now I am curious why it’s not card0. 🤷