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So they’re just announcing they have either incompetent product managers, executives who refuse to believe reality, or both.
I hope their developers all find better roles.
For record, as a developer, I have worked many a weekend in my career during crunch. I was never mandated to do so, and I always made up the time afterwards. Only once in my entire career was it 2 weekends in a row, and it’s because it was a big that was because of me.
Crunches are regular and common in game dev. The difference here is star citizen devs are well compensated and given time in lieu
Crunches are regular and common
… and that’s not good and needs to change. You forgot to write the important part.
Bullshit. First for you assuming I’m not well compensated for my work, and also assuming that compensation makes up for not seeing your family for weeks. Crunches are normal, mandated multiple weeks without a day off are not normal.
Would you mind sharing what you think a crunch is if not for working overtime?
I’m a dev too so well done and fuck you for being well compensated? Hahah
The difference here is star citizen devs are well compensated and given time in lieu
How did you come to this conclusion? IIRC their salaries are below average.
given time in lieu
after squadron 42 ships*
After citizencon in 2 weeks
Does it confirm they are getting TOIL in the article? (It’s not loading for me)
That’s just a bad way to run a company
Oh? What gave it away? The unassailable fact that this “project” has sucked up millions upon millions of dollars and dragged on for years with fuck all to show for it, and now they’ve added violations of labor laws to their pre-event ramp up where they’ll, yet again, show “teasers” for a somehow still unfinished game with no release date, et al?
Maybe something in there was a clue that this is a sham, and always has been? 🤷🏼♂️
725 million actually. I think it is almost double the next expensive game.
They are trying to do something on a never-before scale, but the company seems to have been run like complete shit.
They better get great overtime pay or be able to take like 2 weeks extra paid holiday after this bullshit, but I would guess not.
Feature creep is killing them. They keep broadening the scope without fleshing out the game. Basically stringing people along to keep them interested even though they’re playing a fancy tech demo and not an actual game. Shockingly similar to yandere simulator.
The feature creep is a feature, not a bug. They want to be in a perpetual state of early access. They realize that it brings them more money than actually releasing the game and everybody being disappointed.
Just think of the hype of Cyperpunk 2077 before launch and after launch. Before launch, people would be willing to sacrifice their first-born child to play the game. After launch, the hype completely evaporated into scorn.
Oh absolutely. If we’re being 100% honest, they’ll never release because that’ll kill their golden goose. Pledge ships are only supposed to exist during early access and go away after release. Why release when you can instead churn out ship packs worth thousands or even TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS that schmucks will actually fucking pay for?
Try $48,000 USD only AFTER you’ve spent over $10,000 to be able to purchase every ship (175)
Jaysus. I can’t even find the numbers anymore. I used to go to the pledge website and just point at the numbers when people tried to defend pledges, but it looks like they just took them off the site unless you’re logged in or something. Dunno, the site is a right bitch to navigate.
Edit: nevermind, think they’ve smoothed it out and I can in fact find prices now. This will be fun.
from the article it sounds like they aren’t getting overtime pay, or any pay at all for the extra work days. instead they’ve been promised some extra paid days off in the future, but only after their current project ends, and only if they don’t get laid off by that point.
Spoiler: that “something” is walk away with a cool billion and bin the whole thing.
They’ll ship something, just to head off fraud claims.
I would’ve believed you, maybe a decade ago…
Software development as a service?
The email continues that UK employees “need to be mindful of the hours they work and are asked to have 11 hours outside of work in each 24-hour period.”
This is an attempt to stay within working time regulations in the UK but they are violating this bit
By law (The Working Time Regulations 1998), employees and workers have the right to the following rest: …. between working weeks – 24 hours every 7 working days or 48 hours every 14 working days
By having a 19 day unbroken run which, as I understand it, is not legal.
That’s bad but also the first bit is basically saying “work 13 hour days” which is nuts.
Why don’t they just hire more people with the $700 million they’ve raised?
Because the owners have grifted all of that away to private accounts already of course.
That also doesn’t work.
They have a convention for this vaporware? …And people still go to it?!
Firefall walked so that Star Citizen could run.
Isn’t Star Citizen that named grift that’s been going on for a decade or so?
Don’t understand the negative response, all devs are being compensated for it and being given extra leave
it’s about consent. asking people to volunteer is fine, but mandating it isn’t. People have lives, kids, obligations, which might be worth more then two days of time in lieu.
Then =/= than
Sure but it’s 2 weekends? I’m sure there would be exceptions
Why do they need to work these two weekends on a project that has been ongoing for years?
Did you read the article? Pretty well explained
Yeah, and fuck that. If I perform well on the job, I’m sure as hell not being there for mandated bullshit. Fire me if you want.
Guess what those policies do? They drive your good employees away, and you keep those who can’t find somewhere better.
So what do they do with the kids at the weekend when nursery’s are closed?
CIG could have hired more people previously…
Read the mythical man month. Hiring more people does NOT get software projects completed faster
Not immediately. It’s more of a warning about throwing short term resources on to get quick results. However, under resourcing and overworking staff does not exactly lead to speedy development.
You don’t understand because you think it’s normal. That shit is not normal.
That’s like saying “well, they treat their slaves well! What are y’all complaining about?” when the issue is that you’re a slave.