Boiling at atmospheric pressure generally takes much longer to sterilize than boiling at like 15 psi. I was mostly curious about how sterile we should be.
Does this recipe need high precision? Because maybe that is a no-no for people without a decent scale and some volumetric equipment. Sure, if you already have this stuff it’s fine, and probably you know good practices like using a properly treated volume of water. But if you don’t, it’s perhaps better to just buy the cheaper stuff.
Saline nasal spray. Just get the generic. It’s just freaking salt water.
Just make it yourself, 1g of salt in 100 mL of lukewarm water
For anyone reading this…
This really burned my sinuses, I do not recommend.
Would it be better to pressure sterilize it? Or would using distilled water be sufficient?
Not sure about pressure sterilization, I guess as long as it kills everything.
Distilled water is safe.
Boiling at atmospheric pressure generally takes much longer to sterilize than boiling at like 15 psi. I was mostly curious about how sterile we should be.
Does this recipe need high precision? Because maybe that is a no-no for people without a decent scale and some volumetric equipment. Sure, if you already have this stuff it’s fine, and probably you know good practices like using a properly treated volume of water. But if you don’t, it’s perhaps better to just buy the cheaper stuff.
Not at all. If you feel it burning, just water it down a bit more. No harm done.
Some of them add a touch of baking soda (no, really!) to make it a little less harsh. But even there, the generics caught onto that trick decades ago.