Bossa really loved making rage games. In fact, they made a sequel called “I Am Fish”, where you control a fish in a fishbowl. I played that for 10 minutes and couldn’t handle it anymore. The controls were a nigthmare…
The concept turned into an actual fully-fledged game on Steam. It’s one of the few Bossa Presents titles that actually got greenlit from their whole graveyard of “Protohype” games. That game… no. Never again. The controls literally sent me to the point where I wanted to break my controller. They shut down Worlds Adrift for this garbage streamer-bait.
I will be avoiding that game like the plague from here on out.
That’s it!
Yep, figured that was the one lol. 😂
Bossa really loved making rage games. In fact, they made a sequel called “I Am Fish”, where you control a fish in a fishbowl. I played that for 10 minutes and couldn’t handle it anymore. The controls were a nigthmare…
Oh my God, yes, the controls drove me mad.
I would play that stupid ass concept game more if it wasn’t so fucking broken.
The concept turned into an actual fully-fledged game on Steam. It’s one of the few Bossa Presents titles that actually got greenlit from their whole graveyard of “Protohype” games. That game… no. Never again. The controls literally sent me to the point where I wanted to break my controller. They shut down Worlds Adrift for this garbage streamer-bait.
I will be avoiding that game like the plague from here on out.