I wanted to have a separate laptop where I only use the terminal for my use cases. At the moment I am somewhat confident using the terminal, but I think limiting myself to tty only would build my confidence even more. Any tips?

EDIT: I am already using nvim and I already have installed a minimal distro (Arch). I just need advice on how to actually run this system effectively.

  • ctr1@fl0w.cc
    4 months ago

    I’m not sure how to paste directly into a pane, but you can copy by opening up the scrollback in EDITOR from search mode using Ctrl+S e. This creates a file in /tmp so I try to make sure to clear it when I’m done.

    I usually only copy and paste between editor windows using a script that mimics xclip (automatically used by helix), and if I need to paste a command I either edit my bash history or write a script.